Tuesday Feb. 28,2006
Count down : 17 days to go to the freedom of Ganji !
IRAN WATCH CANADA; will continue to count down until the freedom of Ganji, the most brave journalist in the history of Iran!Ganji will be freed after 6 years imprisonment.
IRAN WATCH CANADA: Calls on all NGO's around the world that are defending Press Freedom, journalists, writers,bloggers and human rights defenders... to join to this count down!
People like Akbar Ganji the investigative journalist is needed to investigate about the corrupt political systems in the Middle East and to defend the rights of the public.
News Update:
Iran-Emroozonline reporting from Emrouz:
Mrs. Masumeh Shafiei ( Ganji's wife ) in a responce to Mr. Salarkia the deputy of Tehran public prosecutor who in an interview with ISNA news agency have told that; "Ganji is free to meet anyone" , said that Ganji is not free to meet people and that is totally incorrect . Ganji is not even free to meet his lawyer ( Mr. Molaie) . It is now 180 days that Ganji spent time in solitary confinement in Evin prison . She also in responce to Mr. Salimi the General manager of Tehran prisons who have said that: "Ganji is not in solitary confinement and is fine" ,said that if Ganji is not in solitary confinement then please let us know who are his cell- mate , what is their name, and if Ganji is fine as you say then why his weight is only 50 kg .
She then announced 17 days ( Iranian time ) remained to the freedom of Ganji!

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