News in Brief-
Dr. Hesam Firuzi , the doctor of Ahmad Batebi ( The imprisoned student activist ) have been arrested and currently is in the cell number 350 of Evin prison!
On Last Saturday January 6/07 Dr. Hesam Firuzi, the doctor of Ahmad Batebi ( the imprioned student activist),together with his wife and a summoning letter in his hand entered to the division number 14 of Tehran Court of Revolution and was arrested and transfered to Evin prison.
His wife Mrs. Mahta Bordbar believes that; her husband was arrested because of being the doctor of student activist Ahmad Batebi.
Dr. Firuzi who is a human rights defender and worked voluntarily for political prisoners is charged with " Action against national security" .The court believe that Dr. Firuzi has published reports on Batebi's medical condition .
Dr. Firuzi was also arrested earlier on October 8/06 with similar charges in his resident in Tehran and spent two days in cell number 209 in Evin prison.
Mrs.Bordbar the wife of Dr. Firuzi in speaking with "Radio Farda" have said that she has spoken with her husband in Cell number 350 in Evin prison via phone.
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