Mr. Saraji a blogger who was serving his 6 months prison term was sentenced to additional one year imprisonment!

Monday Oct. 24,2005
News update -Tabriz New : "Mr. Seyesd Ahmad Seyed Saraji" a blogger from the city of Tabriz who was already in prison and recieved 30 lashes inside the prison in another ruling was sentenced to one year imprisonement!
Tabriz News : The one year imprisonment term for Mr. " Seyed Ahmad Seyed Saraji " the imprisoned blogger from the city of Tabriz was approved by the division Number two of the East Azarbayjan appeal court.
Mr. Saraji in a short telephone conversation with human rights division of Tabriz News said : " In addition to six months jail and receiving 30 lashes the division number two of the East Azarbayjan appeal court approved the additional one year prison term which was given priorly by the division number ten of Tabriz judiciary on the bases of charges such as " conspiracy to topple the government" and " insult to the leader of the Islamic Republic " and my other charge was "apostasy" which was droped .
This political prisoner added :" During the last four months imprisonment i was banned from visitation and until now I do not have lawyer."
Mr. Saraji a blogger from the city of Tabriz based on the charges of " propaganda against Islamic Republic" was arrested on Wednesday June 29 , 2005 and is serving his prison term in the central prison of the city of Tabriz . At the time he was managing several web-log.
Iranian youths are the main target of the Islamic Republic- 70 % of Iranian population are under 30 years of age.
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