Saturday 8/ 2005
News update on journalist Akbar Ganji :
gooya news online reporting:
More than 150 political,cultural and social personalities wrote a letter to head of Iran judiciary power about new pressure on Ganji
"As you know , on Sunday Aug. 28 / 2005 Mr.Akbar Ganji was transfered from the hospital to an unknown location in Evin prison , since then he did not have any visit by his family or his lawyer and there are no news release from any independant sources about his health situation, and his life."
The personalities by signing this petition demanded from Mr. Shahrudi the head of Iran judiciary power for the visitation rights of Ganji's family , lawyer and friends and his release from prison.
In another news it was said that 30 days past since Ganji's transfer from hospital to Evin prison and there are absolutely no news about him whether he is alive or he is in hunger strike again.
Mr. Isa Saharkhiz a leading member of the "Association of Syndicate journalists of Iran", also expressed his worries about Ganji life and demanded answer from judiciary power .
In a letter the "Association of Syndicate journalists of Iran" to Mr. Hashemi Shahroudi demanded for citizen's rights of Akbar Ganji and for the follow up of his court file.
Masumeh Shafiei ( Ganji's wife ) also previousely wrote a letter to Shahroudi and demanded that; why under his leadership of the judiciary power in Iran and the prisons which are under his direct control, officials are dealing with Ganji unlawfully and his family, lawyer and friends are unaware of his situation.
It is exactly a month since Ganji was trnsfered to Evin prison. They are saying that he is under supervision of medical treatment in Evin prison and the visiting permission is only possible by Mr. Mortazavi the Tehran public prosecutor .In this regard Mrs. Shafiei had an interview with Persian voice of Radio Germany ( Dw ): "It is a month that i did not see Mr. Ganji and i have no news from him. On Monday I went to prison but they did not let me to see him and prison official told me that i must have permission from prosecutors office. Based on Ganji's prison term he must spend 6 months more ( Mr. Mortazavi said : Ganji's prison term will be finished by March 21 next year ). He was on hunger strike for 70 days and lost 30 kg.I am in a situation that i dont know what to do? As a citizen and wife of a prisoner I tried every ways , but did not get any result , what has happened to Ganji that they are hiding it ? ..................
The persian link to this news are :
For English , please see this link:

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