Demand for the release of Dr. Abdolfatah Soltani the lawyer of Zahra Kazemi's family!

Monday Oct. 3/2005
Letter by "Association in Defense of Human Right in Iran " about Dr. Abdolfatah Soltani.
Worried for two months of solitary confinement !
News Update- On Dr. Abdolfatah Soltani who is a lawyer and member of the " Association in Defense of Human Rights in Iran " .
The Association in a letter to Iranian Government demanded that; To immidiately release Dr. Soltani who is a lawyer and has been in prison for the last two months. Since Dr. Soltani is in solitary confinement it makes us to worry more of the use of violent acts.
Paris - Sep. 30/2005
The representative of the " Support for Human Rights Defenders " which is a joint plan between International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) and International Organization Against Torture (OMCT) and the Association in Defense of Human Rights in Iran (LDDHI) has expressed its worries about the situation of Dr. Abdolfatah Soltani . Mr. Abdolfatah Soltani is a lawyer and is a member of the "Association of Tehran Lawyers " and he is also a founding member of the " Association of Human Rights Defenders " . He has been in Evin prison in a solitary confinement since July 30 / 2005 .
He has been arrested by direct order of Tehran's public prosecutor Mr. Saeed Mortazavi , He is charged for " espionage " and he is not allowed to have a lawyer to defend him and as well not allowed to see his family member in prison.
The representative of the "Association in Defense of Human Rights " believe that : Mr. Soltani's arrest is related to Zahra Kazemi the Canadian- Iranian photo journalist , because he is one of the lawyer of Zahra Kazemi's family and on July 25 / 2005 in an unofficial court hearing, he spoke with the judge and said: The judiciary in this case is partial and added the court did not issue bill of indictment against the alleged accused including Mr. Saeed MOrtazavi .
The representative reminds that ; On October 2003 , the commission on article 90 of the legislative assembly delivered its report about the death of Ms. Kazemi . In this report it has come to the attention that because of violent interrogation in Evin prison , The public prosecutor and other members of the judiciary had participated directly in the death of Ms. Kazemi.
The representative therefore requesting to get involve for the immidiate release of Dr. Abdolfatah Soltani .
More link in this relation ( Persian)

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