Lives of four Kurdish Iranian and another Iranian in the city of Ahvaz is in great danger , They are going to be executed !

Tuesday Sep. 13,2005
News in brief - reports from Amnesty International
Photo shows the lifeless body of Shovaneh Ghaderi
Lives of 4 Iranian Kurdish is in great danger , They are going to be executed according to Amnesty International report. Also Mr. Mehdi Gharibkhanian Ghamrudi is going to be executed on Sep. 18 in the southern city of Ahvaz.
1- Abubaker Mirzaie- ghaderi ,from the city of Bukan , Accusation : Member of Kurdistan Democratic Party
2- Osman Mirzaie - ghaderi , from the city of Bukan, Accusation : member of Kurdistan Democratic Party
3- Ghader Ahmadi , From the city of Bukan, Accusation : Kurdistan Democratic Party
4- Jahangir Badozadeh, he is in Orumieh city prison
Unrest in Kurdistan province started when one of kurdish political activist by the name of Shovaneh Ghaderi was murdered. Since then many Kurdish cities started rallies and as a result many more were killed and arrested. In addition human rights advocates also were arrested and currently are in prison. On Sep. 3 a Kurdish by the name of Esmail Mohammadi , Member of Kumeleh Party was executed and following to that another person with the name of Mohammad Panjvani
member of Agrisor was also executed. Amnesty International is fearing that the Iranian Authority will murder more Kurdish people.
Write to the following Address:
Iranian Interests Section2209 Wisconsin Ave NWWashington DC 20007Phone: 202 965 4990Fax: 202 965 1073
Amnesty International Ask you to send your protest letter to Iranian officials .
Translated by : IRAN WATCH CANADA

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