Mohammad Reza Nasababdollahi ( a bloger) : I wish that Mojtaba ( A bloger ) be released !

Sat. Sep.10,2005
News in brief, Rooz online( reports.
Picture of Mohammad Reza Nasababdollahi
Two bloger , One inside and the other one outside prison!
Mohammad Reza Nasababdollahi was in prison before but now he is released and he is a friend of Mojtaba Saminezhad who is currently in prison . Mr. Nasababdollahi says :" I wish that Mojtaba be released" .
Aparently , Mr. Nasababdollahi talks by phone with Mojtaba : " When I spoke with Mojtaba Saminezhad by phone from the other side of prison bars , I didn't know what to do, I was between sorrow and happiness, while in prison he congratulate my release ".
" I was feeling like going to be soffucated , I never liked to hear Mojtabas voice in this situation, I'll be outside the prison and him inside, Although , no freedom can be found outside too. but in any case these days are not easy " .
" I wish , I was hearing your voice outside the prison ..............."
Mojtaba Saminezhad , like Mohammad Reza Nasababdollahi Is a bloger and was accused of " writing insulting articles " in his blog and recently was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.
Mojtaba's brother is in hospital for kidney desease and his mom must deal with many hardship.
" I can't continue more , my body doesn't take it and i am full of sorrow , I wish soon Mojtaba be released " .
Translated by : IRAN WATCH CANADA
There will come time that there won't be prisoner in Iran and Iranian will remember all this : A bloger was sent to jail because of writing his/ her mind , a writer's book was censored or he/she was arrested because of his/her expression , Journalist Akbar Ganji went on hunger strike because of his investigation and writing into the death of a poet and writer and political personality and ............. "

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