Two Kurdish political activists were executed!

Tuesday Sep. 6, 2005
Two Kurdish political activists were executed!
Esmail Mohammadi in picture
iran-emrooz reporting from sources to the " Kumela" party and "Association of Political Prisoners in Exile" that ; two political prisoners by the name of " Esmail Mohammadi " and " Mohammad Panjvini " on Sat. Sep. 3, 2005 have been executed in the city of Orumieh .
There have been a lot of effort from families of the victimes , friends, political organizations, human rights NGO's and Amnesty International to stop their execution but despite of all the cry the regime carried out the execution.
Esmail Mohammadi was born on 1965 and was living in the city of Bukan , he was married with 5 children . Mohammad Panjvini was accused of being member of a group in Kurdistan called " Agrisor". On Sunday Sep. 4 when the two children of Esmail Mohammadi went to meet their father , they have been given his cloths and belonging plus his will.
there are no much news about Mohammad Panjvini.

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