Shireen Ebadi: Human Rights advocates are always under oppression!

Sat. Sep. 10,2005
iran-emrooz .net reporting from Tabriz news .
Picture -Shireen Ebadi and Zahra Kazemi's mom
Three years anticipation for recieving licence!
Shireen Ebadi : Human rights advocates are always under oppression !
Shireen Ebadi :" Its been three and a half years that we are waiting to recieve the licence for the "Association of Human Rights Defenders ". The request started when the reformist government of " Dialogue of civilization " was in charge.
Shireen Ebadi known as "madam peace" and is the president of AHRD . She is also one of the founding member of AHRD.
"Around three and a half years ago we applied for licence from the ministry of interior . up to now our association is without licence and we dont know why they delay in issuing the licence for the Association of Human Rights Defenders , although , according to constitution having an association is free but we thought it would be better to have a licence issued , despite of all we have continued our activities without licence . "
" Our association is a member of the International Federation of Human Rights Associations . The headquarter of this federation is in Paris and more than 90 country are members. Two years after our request from the ministry of interior and when we did not recieved any reply , we became the member to this federation ".
" Our mission is : 1-To protest violastion of human rights2- Defending political prisoners free of charge3- Help families of political prisoners. In this regard at least 2 statements/ week have been issued and more than 300 cases of students, journalists , writers and social/political activists have been defended free of charge by association members........."
This was prepared by Peyman Pakmehr a journalist in Tabriz ( )

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