Is Akbar Ganji okay ? If yes where is he ? What has happened to him ?

Saturday Sep. 24, 2005
News in brief - Update on Ganji
Picture -Ganji's wife, Masumeh Shafiei
What has happened to Ganji ? Letter from Masumeh Shafiei ( Ganji's wife ) to the head of judiciary power
In her letter she wrote :
" I am writing this letter while can't sleep because i am worried and the reason for that is because i do not have any news and also the shocking rumors about the life and health of my husband. I am certain that this letter won't be ansewered but i am doing it because i have no other choice. the little faith that i had because of the way you dealt with the justice made me to non-beliver .............A power forcing me to take the pen in my hand . The last time that I met my sick imprisoned husband was on Friday Aug. 26 , 2005 ,since then I do not have any news from him , the worried and questioning eyes of my daughter and the heart broken mother of my husband is agonizing me, although i have gone through all legal channel still i can't lay rest, the best time of my life and of my children has been spent in separation , worry, tears, sighs , pray and anticipation . many times It has come to my mind that if Akbar Ganji did not have a critical mind, if he was busy with making illegal money , if from the first day of imprisonment he had written only " a sentence " , if instead of reading and researching he would have done things that were immoral , if he was thinking of reaching to a position .... and if .... for sure he himself and his family were not this much affectionless.
Honourable Mr. Shahrudi !
In the name of law and as the head of judiciary power you are obliged to answer to me as a citizen and the wife of a prisoner who has human and legal rights , now law excempt you from not responding to me. My husband is in a prison that is under your direct supervision . If he has done any crime he must be dealt with law, no law will explain the behaviour of the judiciary power with him and torturing his family.
This letter goes on about the way the judiciary power handles the case of Akbar Ganji and at the end she requested from the public to demand a response from Mr. Shahrudi.

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