Repressive & Criminal hands of the Islamic Republic regime took the life of Haleh Sahabi the daughter of Ezatollah Sahabi !
Picture: Tragic death of Father and daughter as a result of a reppressive regime known as "Islamic Republic " 

Government, silent parliamen, Judiciary and Khamenei are responssible for their death.
Crime after crime in the Islamic Republic but no one is there to investigate or to bring justice or closure to the thousands of cases !?
Mr. Ezatollah Sahabi the well known political personality and leader of the "Melli -Mazhabi " political group , was a member of revolution council and head of the "budget and planning organization" in the provisional government after the 1978-79 revolution. After the downfall of provisional Government of Bazargan ,he became critical to the Islamic Republic and spent time in prison. He also become one of the strong supporter of reformist Government of Khatami and green movement. He died last Tuesday May 31st. On his funeral on Wednesday,regime ordered the family a silent and speedy burial but the family members particularly the daughter (Haleh Sahabi who is a political prisoner and was on leave from prison) wanted her father be buried by his colleagues and friends in a funeral procession.
Regime security and intelligent agents were present at and around Mr. Sahabi's residence and were conducting question and search or arrest from those who have attended at the house.
During the funeral procession from his home in "Lavasan" ( a region in Tehran)to a cemetery in the area, while the body was being carried on the shoulder of the colleagues and friend and Haleh was holding a bouquet of flower in front , the security agents ordered her to change the procession path, but Haleh disagreed and then agent attacked and kicked on her chest , she fell to the ground and became uncosciouse. The latest news indicate that; she died of her injuries in the hospital.
This brought outrage among Iranian and according to news protest has been organized.

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