14 imprisoned Iranian Journalist in a statement for their safety & improvement on their conditions & release of Mr. Musavi and Mr. Karoubi

According to report on Iranian websites and blogsphere, 14 Iranian imprisoned journalists from Evin and Rejaei-Shahr prisons on "Rooze Khabarnegar" ( news-journalists Day in Iran- August 8) in a statement demanded for the release of Musavi and Karoubi and their wives from house arrests. Musavi and karoubi are the two presidential candidates who have protested the election cheating and bocome the leaders of the green movement in Iran. These 14 journalists who are also in prison descibed their situation as " Na-amn " ( Not safe) and demanded for civil rights and above all the freedom of expression - freedom of all journalists and their return to their profession.
They also condemned regime security and despotic behaviour towards journalists and media.
At present there are 40 Iranian journalists are in prison, Their association was forced to a closure, many journalists have been banned to work on their profession for years and so many felt unsafe to stay in Iran and left the country and are living in exile.
Labels: Journalists

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