"Election Circus" stage show ,coming up on March 2nd- Islamic Republic regime in Iran is the producer !
Cartoon by Toka Neyestani-
"Island "

As we get closer to parliamentary election in Iran on March 2nd , many Iranian personalities and political parties boycotted this ninth parliamentary election. Some of these political parties called people to stay home in protest to regimes election circus and others called people to actively protest. Here are some of these political parties and personalities:
Mosharekat Party( a pro reform party) ,"Jebheh Melli Iran " (Iran National Front) , "Mojahedin Enghelab ( Mojahedin of Revolution Organization) , Association in Solidarity with Nation of Iran , "Nehzat Azadi' (Freedom Movement), Mr. Abdolah Nouri ( Interior Minister of Khatami) , Seyed Mohammad Khatami ( former president) and.......,
This time the reformists aren't present in this election ,in other word the reformists are absent . Green movement have boycotted this election . Both imprisoned leaders of the green movement Mr. Mirhosein Musavi and Mehdi Karoubi also boycotted this election.
All major Kurdish political parties : "Hezbe Democrate Kordestan " (Kurdistan Democratic Party ), Kumeleh Party and almost all political opposition parties and organization outside of Iran called people to say NO to regime election circus.
It would be difficult to name all or to name Ayatollahs who have called people to say NO to this election on March 2nd.
So, Toka is right , this election is taking place in an Island ......

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