Mohammad Reza Motamednia in a letter to Khamenei: Let the People of Iran Free and They will show you the Real Rally !
Mohammad Reza motamednia a former high profile person in the Islamic Republic Army during the Iran -Iraq War and former adviser to the military command headquarter and representative of Mohammad Ali Rejaei ( Former president) , Bahonar ( Former Prime Minister) and Mir Hosein Musavi ( former Prime Minister )in mining industries, in a letter to Khamenei criticized the way he is handling the country, controlling everything from military to the appointment of a governor ,interfering in the parliament and...., supporting Ahmadinejad in the disputed presidential election in 2009 and handling the country like the former Shah of Iran. In the letter , he hold Khamenei responsible to the current situation in Iran caused by Ahmadinejad. "The situation of the country is the reason that i wanted to warn you ...... although you do not accept any critical views and you take them as hostility ... in 2009 you knew very well who was right and what Mr. Mir Hossein Musavi was telling. Because you were behind this project..... and as Mr. Saidi said ,the presidential election was " an engineered election" ....... Well Mr. Khamenei , you ,together with other collaborators by ignoring the rights, brought Ahmadinejad into power,.....Now tell us please ,are you guilty and responsible in the current situation of the country or not? ........... Mr. khamenei ,you approve nomination of the head of Judiciary power, the President and the parliamentary Speaker and Assembly of Expert and MP's. You can approve or remove them. Shah Made big mistakes and you are repeating the same mistakes. don't make yourself happy with these made up Revolution day rallies and Government sponsored rallies, let the people free and they will show you, what the real rally is ...... send your agents among the masses and find out how much popular really you are ...... When after the presidential election in 2009 you said: "My opinion is closer to the opinion of president ( Ahmadinejad),you nearly admitted all these current saddened situation. End this self- centered and unlawful deeds which will destroy the country and release Mir Hosein Musavi and his brave wife and Mr. Karoubi and other brave son's and daughter's of this country . I'm not afraid of what may happen to me and that isn't important . I know my voice my not reach to you from your thick walls but i'll write again about the oppressed son's and daughters of this country .

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