Mohammad Nourizad together with a group of Dervishes are Arrested in the City of Shiraz !
According to news Mohammad Nourizad a documentary film maker and a critics of Ayatollah Khamenei and his way of leading the country is arrested in Shiraz . Before leaving Tehran for Shiraz Mr. Nourizad asked those who are willing to meet him can meet him at Shiraz - Hafezieh ,the shrine of Hafez the Iranian Lyric poet of 14th century.
But most of them including Mr. Nourizad and Mr. Pouria Nouri ( Kasra Nouri's brother - He is one of the leading Dervishes who is currently in prison by regime) and three others are arrested and there is no news where the security agents took Mr. Nourizad and Mr. Pouria Nouri. But the others after a few hours of interrogations were released.

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