Death Sentence For Mohammad Ali Taheri The Leader Of The Group Known As " Erfane Halgheh " !!???
According to news, the lawyer of Mohammad Ali Taheri a political prisoner and leader of the group known as " Erfane Halgheh " said ; it seems that his client sentencing is issued but he said, he did not receive the document.
Speaking to ILNA reporter , Mr. Seyed Mahmoud Alizadeh Tabatabaei said; It seems that the death sentence against my client is issued but because it is his daughters wedding , we did not attend the court to receive the document . Mr. Tabatabaei said; based on the law, the official sentencing notice must be sent to us.
Ms. Zeynab Taheri speaking with " Dor TV " said ; a few moment ago , the death sentence was sent to Mr. Taheri .
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