Sepideh Gholian Did Not Wear Hijab And The Court Was Cancelled ........
According to a report by Akhbare-Rooz ,and based on judiciary announcement: Despite of the presence of judge , the complainant/ Plaintiff's representative and the long wait and despite of many recomendation for the accused Sepideh Gholian to wear Hijab , she did not agree to wear Hijab and therefore the court was cancelled .
The complainant of this case file against Sepideh Gholian is Ms. Ameneh Sadat Zabihpour a reporter of " Seda Va Sima " The Islamic Republic Television and Radio .
According to Sepideh Gholian , Ms. Ameneh Sadat was one of her interrogator and torturer in Evin prison but acting as reporter as well. She was present in her interrogation with an alias name as " Asgari " in Evin prison. Ms. Sepideh earlier said , because the court session was an opencourt and the reporter could attend the court, she have decided to attend but without Hijab .
In another news by Akhbare-Rooz , Sepideh Gholian is sentenced to another two years imprisonment and is depived from several citizenship rights .

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