Setayesh Amiri A 17 Year Old Student Is Still In Prison.......
According to news, Setayesh Amiri a 17 year student from the city of Shiraz is still in " Adelabad" prison on alleged charges of serial " poisoniong " in schools.Charges she denies .
She has been arrested and detained by the security forces. She is in prison for more than 100 days with undecided state . The other two students Ms. Erfaneh Honar and Ms. Setayesh Daroogheh are released after a forced video confessions.
IRAN WATCH CANADA: Serial poisoning of schools were carried out at the later part of the revolution of " Women , Life , Freedom "obviousely by regime security forces to divert the mind of the people and to scare the protesters to stop the protests .Therefore , it is a joke to charge these young students based on their forced c onfessions on such an scary act which had happened in many schools in different cities.......

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