Friday Oct. 28,2005
News from Iran - Gooya News online reporting:
Association of Web-log Writers ( Penlog) :
Expression of thought is a criminal offence in Iran !
Mr. Ahmad Saraji the weblog writer from the city of Tabriz recieved 30 lashes and was sentenced to one year imprisonment. His crime : Criticizing despotism and web-log writing.
Mr. Omid Sheikhan , must spend one year in prison and recieve lashes too. His crime: commiting internet crime ( writing web-log).
Mr. Mojtaba Samieinezhad, still in prison, after receiving torture he must spend two years of his best youth time in behind bars. His crime: having feeling for his people, freedom of expression and off course writing web-log.
Mr. Farid Modaresi and Mr. Hosein Abdollahpoor journalists from the city of Ghom , are sentenced to 91 days imprisonment. Crime: insulting former president ( Mr. Khatami) and members of " Systems'policy recognition assembly" and worse of all web-log writing.
The list goes on ..... In Iran people can be arrested , intimidated , tortured and imprisoned for just expressing their thoughts. If writing web-blog and freedom of expression and openions in many part of the world is the most peaceful way of political struggle but in Iran this action is a criminal offense.
The "Association of Iran Web-log Writers" condemn these medieval sentencing and requests from all free conscious human and human rights organizations to help and support Iranian political prisoners and condemn this inhuman policies.
We demand a delegate to be dispatched by Amnesty International to meet the web-log writers and political prisoners and to review their case file and to exert pressure on Islamic Republic of Iran for their freedom.
Association of Iran Web-log Writers ( Pen-log)
Oct. 2005
Link to this news in Farsi :
Link to Ifex about Iran :
Link to RSF about Iran :
Link to pen Canada:

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