IRAN WATCH CANADA online Is managed by Morteza Abdolalian (Mori) an independent / freelance journalist. IWC is the continuation of Iran Watch bulletin (print) since 2004 .It monitors news about Media,journalists and human rights in Iran.It defends freedom of expression ,press freedom ,freedom of information and Human Rights Activists in Iran and around the world.It has no affiliation to any political organizations.
On July 8th the same video was psted on Twitter with this result:
@one1stone @tagesschau @Amnesty Students Thrown From Roof video is from IRAQ 2003 CHECK YOUR info #IranElection #Iran #Tehran #Neda #gr
Are you sure this is not Iraq?
christinA eijkhout, At
12:58 PM
It is from Iraq! Just search Iraq Toruture Tape on youtube and you will find a CNN report done with the same tape two years ago.
Mori..I know you are passionate about human rights but putting this tape out with incorrect context is just plain wrong.
Mr. Grey Ghost, At
1:02 PM
Mr. Grey Ghost, At
1:05 PM
this is from iraq, we need to be careful about what we put out...
Unknown, At
10:04 AM
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