Support for European resolution, call for release of 52 journalists
Published on Thursday 10 April 2014.
Without Borders hails last week’s European Parliament resolution on European Union strategy towards Iran. For the first time, the European Parliament has displayed a clear desire to take human rights into account in the EU’s relations with Iran.
Adopted on 3 April, the resolution “calls on Iran to
cooperate with international human rights bodies and its own NGOs,”
supports “the urgent call of 772 Iranian journalists on the Iranian
President to live up to his promise and allow the reopening of the
Association of Iranian Journalists,” and urges the European Union “to
mainstream human rights in all aspects of its relations with Iran.”
“We welcome this initiative stressing human rights in
relations with Iran,” said Reporters Without Borders secretary-general
Christophe Deloire. “The measures envisaged in this resolution are a
starting point. A counter-weight to the issue of Iran’s nuclear
programme and the defence of European economic interests, they form a
basis for taking account of fundamental freedoms in bilateral talks.”
Various Iranian officials, including allies of Supreme
Leader Ali Khamenei, have stepped up their attacks on the international
community and the Europeans in particular since 31 March, the date that
the text of the proposed resolution was circulated.
The mullah-led regime has reacted with virulence towards
article 17 of the resolution, which says that “any future Parliament
delegations to Iran should be committed to meeting members of the
political opposition and civil society activists, and to having access
to political prisoners.”
“The threats and attacks on the European Union by
Iranian political and religious officials have no legitimacy coming from
a regime that does not respect international human rights law,” said
Réza Moini the head of the Reporters Without Borders Iran-Afghanistan
“By calling for implementation of the Helsinki accords
by an authoritarian regime, the EU is encouraging and legitimizing civil
society’s human rights demands. The EU finally seems to be adopting an
appropriate stance towards one of the world’s most repressive countries
as regards freedom of information, a country that continues to be one of
the world’s biggest prisons for journalists and netizens.”
Moini added: “We call on the authorities to release the 52 journalists currently detained in Iran.”
Disastrous record on freedom of information
The British media revealed on 2 April that Roya Saberi Negad Nobakht,
47, a UK resident with British and Iranian dual citizenship, was
arrested while on a visit to Iran five months ago because of a comment
on Facebook, and has been held in Tehran’s Evin prison ever since.
Her husband, Daryoush Taghipoor, said she is being held
on charges of “plotting to commit crimes against security and insulting
Islam” for saying on Facebook that everything in Iran was “too Islamic.”
She is “not a political activist in any way (...) just a normal
citizen” and may have made a confession “under duress,” he said.
Neither the Iranian nor British government said anything
about Nobakht’s arrest for five months. Alerted by family friends,
Andrew Stunell, a member of parliament for a district in the Stockport
region where the couple lives, said he was “concerned about this
arbitrary arrest” and had asked the Foreign Office to make urgent
inquiries on her behalf.
Nobakht is one of a total of 20 netizens currently
detained in Iran. Subjected to long spells of solitary confinement and
tortured into making confessions that are eventually used against them
in sham trials, these men and women pay a high price for using their
freedom of expression.
Reporters Without Borders reiterates its deep concern
about the conditions in which a number of Iranian journalists are being
detained. The regime continues to show no consideration for the netizens
and journalists who fall ill while in detention.
They include Hossein Ronaghi Malki, Mohammad
Reza Pourshajari, Mostafa Daneshjo, Hamidreza Moradi, Afshin Karampour,
Mohammad Davari, Mohammad Sadegh Kabovand and Said Matinpour.
All of them are ill and need urgent medical attention,
but the prison and judicial authorities refuse to allow their transfer
to hospitals although this is recommended by prison doctors and the
regulations established by the judicial body that oversees the prison
The eight members of the staff of the website Narenji (Orange in Persian) who were arrested on 3 December – Ali Asghar Hormand, Abass Vahedi, Alireza Vaziri, Nassim Nikmehr, Malieh Nakehi, Mohammad Hossien Mossazadeh and Sara Sajad Pour – are meanwhile still being held.
Arrested by Revolutionary Guards, they were taken to an
unknown location after their homes were searched and personal effects
were removed. The date of their trial and the grounds for their arrest
have still not been officially announced.
The UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on 24
March condemning Iran’s grave and repeated human rights violations and
granting a one-year extension to the mandate of Ahmad Shaheed, the
special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran.
One of the world’s most repressive regimes as regards freedom of expression, Iran is ranked 173rd out of 180 countries in the 2014 Reporters Without Borders press freedom index.

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