Iranian people are worried about the lives of political prisoners,they are in great danger!? Will UN and UN human rights council react? When?!!!

Three Iranian political prisoners in protest to the death of Haleh Sahabi and Reza Hoda Saber (Both political prisoners) went on hunger strike!
They are as follows:
Mehdi Khodaei( Former leader of Islamic Students at Azad University -Rey city and a human rights activist), Arash Sadeghi (Member of Musavi electoral campaign and member of the central council of Islamic student Association at Allameh University),and Ahmad Shahrezaei .
They have started their strike on June 5th after the murder of Haleh Sahabi by a regime plain clothe agent on her fathers funeral procession.
Mehdi Khodaei was arrested in March 2009 and was sentenced to 7 years imprisonment and spent months in cell number 2-Alef ( a solitary confinement cell in Evin prison).
Arash Sadeghi was arrested several time after election coup and finally sentenced to 5 years imprisonment . He was kept in solitary confinement cell number 209 in Evin prison.It has been reported that, when the security agents entered in his home to arrest him , his mother had heart attack and died later.
Ahmad Shahrezaei was also sentenced to one and a half year imprisonment.
It is also needed to say that, there are no news about Khosro Dalirsani the political prisoner who went on hunger strike together with Hoda Saber and his family members are worried about his life.

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