International Organizations urged Ahmadinezhad to gurantee Ganji's rights!

Wednesday Nov. 2,2005
News updates on investigative journalist Akbar Ganji - Iran-Emrooz online reporting:
Iran - Emrooz on its site reported that two international human rights organizations written an open letter to Iranian President Mr. Ahmadinezhad and demanded that ; Iran's government to gurantee Ganji's rights !
" International Federation of Human Rights " ( Mr. Abdolkarim Lahiji an Iranian lawyer is the vice president of the organization ) and "International Organization Against Torture " are two effective international organization that are defending human rights, in an open letter to Iranian president Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinezhad demanded for immediate and unconditional release of Akbar Ganji the imprisoned Iranian journalist.
The letter state that :
" We protest to continues imprisonment and torture of Ganji the journalist of " Sobhe Emrooz" newspaper and human rights defender.Mr. Ganji was arrested on April 2000 and on June 2001 on the charges of " Threat to national authorities and propaganda against values of Islamic government " was sentenced to six years imprisonment. At the end of 1998 he was charged and arrested for disclosing the details murdering of intellectuals and opposition to Islamic Government in which by implicating several high ranking officials to these murdering.Mr. Ganji in protest to his arrest went on hunger strike and from June 11 to Aug. 22 /2005 was transfered to Milad hospital, during this time he lost 25 KG.of weight. and since he diden't recover his health. Recently the supervision program was informed that during the two days treatment in hospital and with the goal of taking back his statement against the leader of the Islamic Republic and by following his leadership , he was harrassed and tortured and then again he was brought back to Evin prison ( Sep. 3 / 2005). ..............
Here is the complete text of the letter :
Press ReleaseOpen Letter to the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran,Mr. Mahmoud AhmadinejadParis-Geneva, October 28, 2005Re: Fear of torture of Mr. Akbar Ganji, arbitrarily detainedDear Sir,The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT), expresses its deep concern about the continuing detention and reported ill-treatment and torture inflicted on Mr. Akbar Ganji, a journalist of the daily newspaper Sobh-e-Emrooz and human rights defender.Mr. Akbar Ganji was arrested in April 2000 and sentenced to six years in prison in July 2001 on the charge of "threatening national security and propaganda against the institutions of the Islamic State". He was accused of having revealed details concerning the murder of intellectuals and opponents to the regime at the end of 1998, and of having accused certain politicians of being involved.Mr. Akbar Ganji carried out a hunger strike in order to protest against his detention, from June 11 to August 22 2005, when he was transferred to the hospital. He lost 25 kg and has not recovered since then.The Observatory has recently been informed that Mr. Akbar Ganji was tortured and ill-treated during two days when he was hospitalised, with the objective of compelling him to renounce to his positions and to promise allegiance to the Supreme Leader. After he refused, he was taken back to the Evin prison on September 3, 2005. During the transfer, in the car, Mr. Ganji’s eyes were blindfolded and he was nearly strangulated by the person accompanying him in order to frighten him.Since then, Mr. Ganji is detained in solitary confinement in a special wing of the Evin prison. It should be reminded that the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, on visit in Iran in February 2003, was refused access to that wing by secret service agents, and could consequently not visit this "prison within a prison" where mostly political prisoners seem to be detained.Mr. Akbar Ganji was only allowed one visit, on October 17, 2005, by his wife, his mother and one of his lawyers. His physical and psychological health is extremely poor and the Observatory fears for his life.Mr. Akbar Ganji’s arbitrary detention constitutes a blatant violation of the Islamic Republic’s international human rights commitments and seriously tarnishes the country’s reputation. The Observatory recalls that on September 16, 2005, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression called on the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to release him without further delay. Previously, on July 15, 2005, the Special Rapporteurs on the right to health, on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and on torture, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on human rights defenders, and the Chairperson of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention had appealed in a joint statement to the Government to guarantee Mr. Ganji’s rights not to be arbitrarily deprived of his liberty (See Observatory Urgent Appeal IRN 001/0004/OBS 030.7).The Observatory urges you, as the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, to guarantee in all circumstances the physical and psychological integrity of Mr. Akbar Ganji, to ensure his immediate and unconditional release, and to allow him to receive the medical care he urgently needs.In the hope you will take these considerations and requests into account,We remain,Sidiki KABA President of FIDH Eric SOTTASDirector of OMCTPress ReleaseIranIranian President's Declarations Amount to a Propaganda for WarParis, 28 October 2005 – The FIDH expresses its indignation about the recent declarations made by Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in which he declared that "Israel should be wiped off the map" and warned leaders of Muslim nations who recognised the state of Israel that they faced "the wrath of their own people".FIDH vigorously recall that such declarations are in blatant violation of the United Nations Charter and in particular Article 2 which requires « all Members [to] refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state ».In addition, the FIDH urge the Iranian authorities to abide by article 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ratified by Iran which states that « any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law. Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law. »« Those declarations which in some circumstances could amount to a crime – encourage hatred and feed fanaticism and violence. » said Sidiki Kaba, President of the FIDH and Karim Lahidji, icepresidentof FIDH and President of the Iranian League for the Defence of Human Rights.FIDH reiterates its vigorous call in favor of the effective implementation of International law in order to lead to a safe and respectful coexistence of the States of Israel and Palestine.Contact : Gaël Grilhot : +331 43 55 25 18

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