100 minority religious member of the " Daravishe Gonabadi" were transfered to Evin prison!
UN must react to the situation and take immediate action now before it is too late!
Last Saturday " Daravishe Gonabadi" community stage protest against destruction of one of their holy places in Isfahan by the Islamic Republic agents in front of the Islamic Reopublic parliament. In that day the security agents and anti-riot guards attacked in their peaceful gathering and arrested 100 of them and transfered them to Evin prison.
They are charged with " to riot against national security".
According to the website of " Majzobane Noor " from Tehran, four members with following names are in solitary confinement ward number 242 in Evin prison ( Mohammad Sadegh Moradi Sarvestani, Amin Karampour, Reza Motighavanin and Aliakbar Bonakdar ) and the rest are in other detention centre in Tehran.
The report indicate they were arrested with the order of Tehran public prosecutor and all of them are banned for visiting rights.
The arrests didn't end in Tehran only , the agents attacked to a pray ceremony in Isfahan and the anti-riot guards throw tear gas and beat the people and arrested more than 70 people.
In this picture which was taken in the city of Qom three years ago, the grandson of Khomeini Mr. Hasan Khomeini is the head prayer.
Link to this news:http://news.gooya.com/politics/archives/2009/02/084282.php
Labels: Religious minorities

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