Once again Musavi met Karoubi. A letter signed by both was released requesting from government for permission to hold a rally on June 12.

This morning Mr. Musavi met Karoubi at Karoubi's home. Both Mr. Karoubi and Musavi have signed a letter requesting for permission to hold a peaceful rally on the anniversary of presidential election (IWC: election cheating -coup d'etat) on June 12. they have asked Mr. Morteza Tamadon the Tehran Governor to allow people to hold rally on that day based on article 27 of constitution which allows people to hold rally .They have sent this letter to Tehran Governor.
The letter indicate ; the rally will be held from Imam Hossain Square to Azadi Square.
In the meantime people in the green movement are preparing themselves for June 12 protest by writing slogans on the walls and on the paper money(bills) . News coming from Iran shows a real socio-economic and most especially political crisis in the government of Ahmadinejad.Protest against his government has increased even among conservative who were his supporter earlier.

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