Ganji Must survive !

Wednesday Aug. 10, 2005
Ganji's wife: In order to solve Ganji's problem , The head of judiciary personally should intervene.
Ganji's wife " Masumeh Shafiei " rejected the news that Ganji has ended his hunger strike . She said : All the news about Ganji , as he wishes must come through me and since i haven't visited him for the last 10 days , I reject the this news.
"Association of Syndicate Journalists of Iran" demanded from the head of judiciary to make their visitation with Ganji possible.
Yusef Molaie ( One of Ganji's lawyer ) : Everyone must put their effort to solve Ganji's hunger strike problem.
Because of writing critical articles , Ganji spent more than 5 years in Evin prison and 61 days ago in protest to his imprisonment he started hunger strike and on 17th of July because of his health detrioration the prison officials brought him to Milad Hospital and Ganji's wife claim that she did not see her husband for the last 10 days , On Aug. 9 the public prosecutors office announced that Ganji has ended his hunger strike and today Aug.10 Ganji's wife rejected the news.

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