Friday Nov. 11,2005
News update- Iran-Emrooz news online reporting from " ILNA " :
The two weblog writers from the city of Ghom have been acquited !
The defence lawyer of Mr. Farid Modaresi and Mr. Hosein Abdollahpoor , the two accused weblog writers from the city of Ghom have announced the acquital verdict of his clients.
Mr. Saleh Nikbakht in speaking with ILNA repoter by announcing this news have said : A well reasoned defence argument by these two weblog writers and journalists in appeal court , the judges of this court were satisfied that the preliminary court handed an illegal verdict about my clients and therefore issued an acquital verdict for these two weblog writers.
The lawyer said that Mr. Farid Modaresi and Mr. Hosein Abdollahpoor were accused of insulting the president and the members of the "Assembly of Systems Policy Recgnition" . Since Mr. Khatami did not file any complaint against them and also insulting to the members of the " Assembly of Systems Policy Recgnition" is not considered as general crime, but despite of thoes facts , the preliminary court wrongfuly have given 91 days imprisonment to my clients which brought our protest and appeal .
Link to this news in Farsi:

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