Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi a clergy with a thousands face!

In the past Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi one of the conservative /radical and most secretive Ayatollah was strong supporter of Ahmadinejad and his government but now he calls Ahmadinejad and his circle as : "Garbages that can't do anything against Islamic Republic".
Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi is also known for his strong position against reformist government of Khatami and green movement leaders Musavi and Karoubi.
According to "Khabar online"Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi the head of "Imam Khomeini's educational & research centre" speaking to a group of Revolutionary Guards on the subject of Ahmadinejad and his circle in Isfahan city told them that: The " deviational group" or the team of Ahmadinejad, although influenced some of the personalities but with these "tricks" they cant do anything , therefore it is to say : " These garbages can't do anything." Reported "Khabar Online".
Mesbah Yazdi's personal information according to the "Iran Crime Watch" website:
One of the main importers of sugar in Iran. Mesbah was born on January 31st 1935 in the city of Yazd. He founded educational and research institute of Imam Khomaini. He is a member of assembly of experts, High Council of Cultural Revolution. He is a member of Society of Educators of Qom seminary. He finished "Moghadamat" and "Sath" in Qom. In 1951 he went to Najaf to continue his education but returned to Qom after one year and continued his education under tutolage of Hossein Tabatabai Brujerdi. He achieved the position of "Ijtehad" at age 27. He is one of the three founders of Haghani school in Qom.

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