Womens beaten by special police force in the Street in Tehran and else where in Iran for just a simple "make up" or "hair not covered" and ............
Despite of being beaten or jailed but women in Iran continue their fight for their human rights .
News in Brief-
Manager of Persian blog is detained!
Mr. Mehdi Botorabi the manager of Persian blog is detained since last week based on conflicting charges.
It was Ms. Fakhrosadat Mohtashamipoor ( The women's issue conunsel for the ministry of Interior during Khatami's presidency) who for the first time in her blog reported of Mr. Botorabi's imprisonment.
No body knows why he is been detained? His wife , childeren and mother are worried about his health and no body says anything from judiciary .
Link to this news in Farsi:
News in Brief-
40 students have been summoned !
40 students from Amirkabir University are summoned to disciplinary committee!
According to ILNA; past central council member of Amirkabir Association of Islamic Students Mr. Mostafa Ghafuri have said: More than 40 students have been summoned to the disciplinary committee.Mr. Ghafuri said : these students were charged with speaking in a free public tribune and participation in the gathering.
According to this report Mr. Ali Saberi chair of the students of Amirkabir University was banned for enrolement and therefore is deprived continuing his education for a semester. Mr. Saberi said : Today after attending the school i was told by phone that ishould stay out of classes for a semester.
I was supposed to graduate this semester but because of this situation i have to waite for another semester. They also called my father and told him to ask me to go back home in the city of Mashhad and if this is not done ; i'll be expelled from university.
IRAN WATCH CANADA: Freedom of expression , Freedom of press, Freedom to social and political gathering and speaking in public forum are all students human rights.Islamic republic must respect these rights.
Link to this news:
News update-
15 MP's demanded from "Ministry of Guidance and Culture" to stop puting pressure, threat and restriction against some of the print and online media including Iran's Labour News Agency ( ILNA) !
15 members of the parliament in a notification which was red by parliamentary speaker have demanded Mr. Safar Harandi the Minister of Guidance and Culture to follow article 9 and 24 of the constitution and article 4 of the press law .
This notification was signed by the following MP's:
Mr. Akbar Alami - MP from Tabriz
Mr. Paknejad -MP from Yazd
Mr. Omidvar Rezaei- MP from Masjed Soleyman
Mr. Ghodratollah Alikhani - MP from Bouin Zahra
Mr. Mohammad Ghomi- MP from Pakdasht
Mr. Dariush Ghanbari- MP from Ilam
Mr. Rasul Sedighi - MP from Banab
Mr. Mortazavi
Mr. Hadi Haghshenas - MP from Bandar Anzali
Mr. Gerami Moghadam - MP from Bejnord
Mr. Alireza Mahjub - MP from Tehran
Ms. Soheila Jelodarzadeh - MP from Tehran
Mr. Mehdi Poorfatemi- MP from Dashti and Tangestan
Ms. Mehrangiz Morovati _ MP from Khalkhal
Mr. Naser Nasiri- MP from Garmi
In their notification to minister they have said:According to documents and evidence your ministry has put pressure, restriction and threat on print and electronic media based on false pretexts and have forced them to censor events and incidents and as well has deprived them from facilities.
At the end they demanded the minister to remove all restriction from media.
Link to this news in Farsi:
Honouring best five journalists of the year in Iran by the Association of Iranian Journalists.
Mr. Abbas Abdi, Ahmad Reza Daryaei, Mr. Firuz Guran,Mr. Abdolali Rezaei and Ms. Shahla Sherkat are the best five Iranian journalists of the year.
Thursday, May 03, 2007 Updated at 5:46 PM EDT
More than 81 journalists killed worldwide in 2006
Photo By Mohsin Abbas Special to The Hamilton Spectator
Group picture of Journalists in Exile (JEX) living in Canada
Related Links
Journalists in Exile (JEX) website
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression
Reporters without Borders
In 1998, Tara Singh Hayer, an immigrant journalist born in India, was killed in the garage of his British Columbia home. Almost a decade later, his murder remains unsolved.
It's a Canadian example of the killing of a journalist with impunity, the theme of this year's World Press Freedom Day, May 3.
More than 80 journalists were killed in 2006.
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) Executive Director Anne Game says, "the added tragedy is that in almost all of these cases, the killers and the masterminds behind the killings continue to walk free."
Statistics show that in 85 per cent of these cases no one will be held to account. Impunity within a country has a domino effect, she said, encouraging others to commit crimes, knowing that they will also go unpunished.
After holding the first protest rally against the military government in Pakistan, Zahir Babur was threatened by the country's secret services.
"They didn't like my work as a journalist and union leader and wanted to shut me up because I was working for human rights," said Babur, an exiled journalist living in Canada since 2002 .
When the Lahore Press Club building was raided by police in 2000, Babur was General Secretary of the largest journalist group in the country.
Babur worked for the Urdu Daily Pakistan and Recorder but left Pakistan when he grew tired of warnings about his work from the Secret Service and police.
"I was warned not to lead the press club, an organization of more than 900 journalists," added Babur.
Nine journalists who worked for the Daily Pakistan now live in exile in Canada.
World Press Freedom Day honours journalists who brave death or jail in pursuit of the truth.
In a recent report released by the Paris-based International News Safety Institute (INSI), the number of journalists killed in line of duty has escalated dramatically in recent years. In the past decade, more than a thousand media members have been slain, and in nine out of 10 cases, the perpetrators have never been prosecuted.
Reporters Without Borders says that 81 journalists and 32 media assistants were killed last year. It is the highest toll since 1994, when 103 died, half of them in the Rwandan genocide. An additional 1,400 attacks or threats were carried out against journalists - many of them during election campaigns in Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe.
"We are watching the situation of immigrant journalists in Canada and will do our best to support the journalists living in Canada," said Emily Jacquard, Secretary General of the Canadian Section of Reporters Without Borders.
Many cases of the murders of journalists are never resolved, the sense of impunity only encourages more killings, advocates say. There is also little public sympathy for these cases.
"In countries such as Iran, Cuba or Pakistan, you cannot criticize the supreme leader, question the country's policies or even the economic corruption among the power-holders," notes Maryam Aghvami, an Iranian journalist who is now living in Toronto.
"If you are brave enough to do so, you are accused of acting against the country's national security, spreading lies and spying for Western powers," added Aghvami.
While there is no meaningful global data comparing journalists killed on the job with, for example, firefighters, Julie Payne, CJFE's program manager, says the consequences are more profound. The killing of a journalist undermines one of the primary means of holding people accountable - and serves to silence others.
Today, Canada has become the mecca for exiled journalists.The irony is that many journalists living in exile in Canada have been muzzled again in a land that prides itself on freedom of speech. They are struggling very hard to reach Canadian newsrooms.They have launched their own online magazine at - to create a place to be heard.
After coming to Canada Zahir Babur completed a two-year broadcast journalism program but never found a job in a newsroom. He worked as security guard.
A few exiles are looking towards internships at media outlets this fall as part of their classes at the Sheridan College journalism program.
"These journalists in exile have paid a very high price for their commitment to press freedom. But these journalists will be working once again, doing what they do best - writing, photographing, recording and reporting, and exercising your right to freedom of expression," said Payne.
News in Brief-
In this picture Mr. Osanlou is on the left.
On Tuesday( May first) the International workers day Mr. Osanlou the president of Tehran Bus Workers Union have been arrested again. He was arrested on the morning of Tuesday by 15 agents from the Ministry of Information in " Hafte Tir " Subway Station while on his way joining the May Day rally in "Shirudi" stadium. At the time of his arrest many people were present and tried to stop the agents and set him free but were unable.
Link to this news in Farsi: