By : Mori A.
For the last 40 years this regime did not solve the economic and political problems facing the Iranian people. In the early years after the revolution they were blaming the war as a reason for delaying the economic development and then the Mojahedin Organization's uprising against the Islamic Republic which followed the suppression of all political organization and parties one by one , ended with the killing and murdering of thousands of the political prisoners in 1987-88 .
political prisoners mass killing 1987-88
Time and time this regime has promised to the people that their living condition will become better and they have never spoke or did say anything about political development in Iran, meaning the openness , letting the people to express their opinions freely , or letting the political parties to exercise their rights and join the election . Most opposition political parties are banned in Iran and most of their leaders have left the country due to persecution. The only two factions that are allowed to exercise political freedom are the religious conservatives and religious reformists both from within the political system . When the first reformist won the election with the help of Iranian hopeful and president Khatami inaugurated its Government , people supported him because they were hoping, he will bring change to their situation and bring openness and take steps on economic policies to change their living conditions. During the first four terms of Khatami's presidency , there were some changes toward more openness / different from the previous Governments , more reformists media were published and some political development for creation of NGO's . but at the same time the hardliners / conservatives opposed Khatami's policies and with the help of Sepah and Basij started their shadow Government by putting pressure on reformists including the media and writers and political critics . As a result of weak reformist Government students started an uprising .
It was during his presidency when student uprising happened which shake Islamic republic for 6 days ...a bloody uprising.
Student Uprising known as " eighteen Tir "
they were able to start murdering one by one the writers and political critics which was later known as " Chain Murdering " . An intelligent agent Said Emami with its forces murdered several writers including Mohammad Mokhtari , Jafar Pouyandeh , Ali Akbar Saidi Sirjani , Pirouz Davani , Majid Sharif and more than 80 others . Most of them were killed by knives , under torture and other ways ......
Some of the chain murdering victims, writers and politicians
While political openness was happening , at the same time these killings were also going on during Khatami .... and judge Mortazavi was also closing all reformists media for once and all ......So the Government of Khatami was also failed despite of his effort for openness . And president Khatami in his second term was unable to do much and called himself and his Government as " Tadarokatchi " of the system meaning " procurement manager " .
Then the Government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the conservative run the Government for 8 years . In his second term election he cheated the election which brought millions of people into the streets ....which is known as green movement ...many young people were killed during protest including Neda Agha Sultan .
Green movement 2009 - Where is my vote ? This picture shows Mir-Hossein Musavi
One of the candidate who lost to Ahmadinejad as a result of fraudulent election and Mir - Hossein is under house arrest
Then came the Government of Hassan Rohani as moderate Government with the help of millions of Iranian voted for him against conservative candidate . He promised again to help solve the economic situation of millions of Iranian but he did not speak anything about political development , the only thing he promised was to defend the citizens rights . After the election people saw he did not fulfill his promises and people became more disappointed and poverty increased , corruption reached to a high level among the officials and injustices continued . The pick point was when he released his annual budget ....people saw most of the budget went to the religious cultural centres and to the Sepah and Basiji's forces which are the repressive forces and the government spends millions of dollars to help Hizbollah , in Yemen , in Palestines , in syria and so on........
this was the reasons that the Iranian people were waiting for yet another opportunity to go into the street to chant for their demands , but this time its the workers , the students , the retirees , the teachers , the middle class and the minorities ( like the representative of Zoroastrian from Yazd city who won the election but his ballots were rejected because he was not moslem ) and ......
The recent earthquake in Kermanshah was also a lesson to the people to know the Government and the whole system better .......Because they were so slow in helping people instead it was the people who helped first to the earthquake victims and Government failed...
Recent Kermanshah Earthquake victims - we don't need condolence , we need help
The Government says we don't have money ...while the help the syrian to build their cities and ........
These are the reason Iranian people are into the streets and protesting by knowing they will be killed ..but with no fear continue their protest ......
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