UN : The Revolutionary Guards In Saravan ( A Border City In Blouchestan Iran ) Killed 23 Protesters .....
News ...
On March 5th the spokesperson for UN human rights council in a press conference said:
The revolutionary guards have killed 23 protesters in the border town of Saravan.
The regime in Iran believe due to recent uprising in Balouchestan province there were only two people killed and they were killed by the Pakistani forces.
IRAN WATCH CANADA: Due to poverty in this province and no job prosperity , the local people work to make money by delivering engine gas , oil or natural gas through the border into Pakistan . But regime made it difficult for people to do so and earn money to feed their family . In recent week we have seen video's showing people protesting against regime policy and the Islamic regime forces in Iran moving revolutionary contingent on motorbike and jeeps in to the area and in several video clips prepared by local people shows dead bodies scattered on the street ....