Friday, August 23, 2024

Three journalists And One Poet Has Been Summoned To Abadan City Court

The slogan reads: End The Suppression Of Journalists --------------------------- On August 7,2024 the court in the city of Abadan, in south of Iran, has summoned three Journalists and one poet . the journalists were : Ms. Mandana Sadeghi , Mr. Arash Ghaleh Golab and Mr. Korosh Karampour and Mr. Reza mohammadi( poet) the husband of Ms. Mandana Sadeghi. Ms. Sadeghi in the Social network " X " wrote: Together with my husband and Mr. Ghaleh Golab and Mr. Karampour We must attend in court on Wednesday August 7 , the "Reporter's Day" in Iran. There are no information about the reason for this arrest . They have been arrested before bbecause of their media connected profession by security and judiciary forces of the I.R.I. It is believed that Arash Ghaleh Golab , have been arrested before due to his report about the Collapse of " Metropol" building as a result of deficiencies in construction in the city of Abadan, which killed many people . The Association of Journalists in Iran has reported in the past that, because of the uprising in September 2023 after the killing of Mahsa Amini and the uprising in Iran , which is known as the " Women , Life , Freedom " , 100 journalists were arrested and detained in Iran.The Association of Journalists in Iran called those days as the " Dark period of journalism in Iran " which is been still continued today. " Ham-mihan " newspaper wrote : Since the uprising until today ,at least 76 journalists were arrested.

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Saturday, August 03, 2024

For Peace in Middle East .....

The Second World War had ended in these days when two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, which shocked the world, and thousands of people died in those two days in those two Japanese cities. With the launch of those two bombs, the world became atomic and later nuclear, and today, in this digital age, people and future generations do not know what awaits them. Today, the Middle East is in a dangerous abyss of war, both due to the incompetence of the countries in the region and the policies of the countries with interests in this region, and the peace-loving people of this region are in fear of war. It casts a shadow.over their head. In this situation, the peace movements in the world (except for the world movement to defend the Palestinian people to end the war in Gaza) and in the region have weakened more and more due to the totalitarian regimes, and this is very worrying. Hope for the revival of a strong peace movement in the region.

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