The Sentencing of Three Leftist Writers And Human rights Advocates In Iran ....
According to news, three leftist writers and human rights advocates in the city of Gorgan were sentenced to the following jail time and bails:
1- Roozbeh Gilasian and his wife Elaheh Soroushnia were arrested at their residential home on December 2016 . They spend 15 days in the detention at Gorgan-Neynava prison which is a holding prison run by Sepah Intelligent. But later they were transferred to Gorgan -Amirabad prison and were released by bail. Mr. Gilasian is accused of forming a club society in the city of Gorgan and for this reason he is charged for activities against national security and distribution of lies .........
Both Roozbeh and his wife Elaheh and 18 others were sentenced in Gorgan court of Revolution by judge Hojatolah Ghorbani but later their sentences were reduced by the appeal court to :
Roozbeh Gilasian - One year imprisonment
Elaheh Soroushnia- 8 Million Tuman fine .
Nima Safar -80 days imprisonment
Roozbeh Gillian is a writer and a researcher and his wife Elaheh Soroushnia is an artist and a leftist writer and human rights advocate.
Roozbeh Gilasian is a graduate of philosophy from Sharif university and Elaheh is graduate of Tabriz University and Tehran Technical University ....
Roozbeh has written several books including:
" Philosophy in the street" , " The human of the month of Bahman " , " The pamphlet of the revolution" , " The Erotic Fortune " , " The Little Philosopher " and so many others ........