Saeed Afkari : Today Is The 292 Days That My Brothers Are In Solitary confinement ...........

On Wednesday June 23,2021 a bus crashed on rout to Naghadeh city in Western Azerbaijan and most of its passenger were journalists . Because of this crash two young journalists who were not even 30 years of age died together with four teacher and 21 others were wounded . This news brought more anger among people against the regime officials for not paying attention on continuous bus crashes on Iranian roads and highways .
Usually on check points , highway traffic police checks the buses for safety and other violations, but on this bus full of journalists the driver told police officers that, all the passengers are workers of a cement factory , so the police did not stop the bus and let the bus to continue its rout where it crashed later on .
The two journalists were, Ms. Mahshad Karimi and Ms. Reyhaneh Yasini who were not yet 30 years old . One was about to get married .
News from Iran .....
Atena Daemi, a human rights activist ,who is currently serving her sentence in Lakan Prison in the city of Rasht in a letter said : I want to say " No " to this presidential election show .
Atena earlier in a letter protested against the prison officials decision to transfer women political prisoners from Tehran to another cities . To make it harder for the family to visit their loved one .
News from Iran ....
Mir Hossein Musavi the former prime minister and the 1988 presidential candidate in message from home arrest about the soon coming presidential election said:
" The upcoming presidential election is humiliating and being engineered . As a little companion, i will stand with those who have suffered from these humiliating and engineered elections . "
Reports indicates that ,this presidential election in Iran is going to face " No to Vote " . Almost all political parties and organizations have boycotted the June 19th presidential election show . Most Iranian civil rights organization inside Iran and political prisoners said; they wont vote . Even Ahmadinejad former president said ,he wont vote ( because he was unable to pass through the filter of guardian council ). Khameneei the supreme leader of the Islamic regime in Iran in a threatening voice said : The white vote is Haraam ( It's an act forbidden by Allah ) . "
This sign of a wall reads: # No to Vote , # Finger in Blood ( meaning by voting you are putting your finger in the blood of those killed by this regime in the past uprisings...... people would vote by finger print )
According to reports from Iran , Ms. Ghazal Masoumshahi received one and a half year imprisonment and to an amount of fine for speaking her own account / opinion about the Ukraine flight 725 crash which Swas hit by Islamic regime rockets and killed all the innocent people aboard .
According to " Student United " social media Telegram . She is charged with " publication of Lies on online " . In addition to the above sentencing, she is also sentenced by the judge Afshari of the court of revolution to attend five times in four years of the suspension of her sentence in the cemetery where the sacred shrine defending martyr's are buried and pay respect to them. She is been also banned from traveling abroad .
She is an active member of the Amir -Kabir technical university student .
The world is looking for this criminal presidential candidate .....Ebrahim Raeisi is Wanted .....
He is wanted for killing of thousands of Iranian political prisoners in mass killing on 1987-88 ....
He is a candidate for presidential election in Iran .....
Reports indicate that regime is continues arresting or threatening Iranian Bahai Faiths . In recent months several Bahai were arrested in different cities including Karaj and Isfahan . In Baharestan of Isfahan , these Bahai's were arrested:
Shoorangiz Behamin, Roya Azadkhosh , Maryam Khorsandi , Sara Shakeeb , Firouzeh Rasti-nejad , Sanaz Rasteh , Azita Rezvani , Mojgan Pourshafie, Nasrin Khademi , Noushin Hemat and Soleh Ashoori .......
IRAN WATCH CANADA: How can world close its eyes to all these violation of human rights in Iran and how can UN general session or UN human rights session let the representatives of this regime attend in their sessions . We are all human whether we are white , black , brown or other group of human race or . We all human together make the rainbow colour of human race . Bahai, Jewish, Catholic , Moslem ( Sunni , Shiite ) all faith make no difference , we are all first are human . Why we close our eyes on these violations? What is the reason ? Why ignoring the violations against people in the world by their regimes including in Iran by Islamic regime. ? Hope UN will take more measure against Islamic regime in Iran .
The presidential election in Iran is in this month .
Reports indicates that large number of Iranian people are going to boycott the regime made election. Because of the election the regime is threatening or arresting political or human rights activists inside and outside Iran . Regime is of course trying to make the stage and the show and for this show has made a scenario , a scenario which is approved by the guardian council . out of 500 + candidate only few have past from their filter. One particular person who have past is Mr. Raeisi the head of judiciary power !!!????. Raeisi is one of the prosecutor during the mass killing of political prisoners in 1987-88 . So , it is obvious regime is going to back Raeisi to become the president of Iran. And the answer of Iranian people to this show is :
I Dont Vote