Arash Sigarchi : They themselves too , did not believe to the accusations against me!
Azadi Bayan: Q- Well first of all tell us about your court file situation and the accusation....?
A- Arash Sigarchi: After the court session , the main accusation against me was included to the collaboration with an enemy country- America- through interview with Radio Farda, insulting the leader and " Emam Khomeini" , gathering and conspiracy against Islamic Republic regime and provoking public anxiety to confront the regime, which in total resulted to 14 years imprisonment which was issued by the judge of the 3rd division of the Gilan revolution court , while my lawyers and myself pointed more than 100 legal and important mistakes to this ruling which I will try to express on those in my next court review.At present after reduction of the bail from 200 million Tuman to 100 Million Tuman , my family members and family friends have come with 4 property certificate as for bail and i will be free until the finalization of my file. based on the judicial process in Iran after the court decission , I protested to the ruling and the review court will review the my court file with the presence of the 3 judges and if I and my lawyers have any protest to their ruling , We then can ask the superior court of the country for the review.
Q- On what ground the court put it’s assumption to this accusation?
A- Look ! there was not at all discussion on ground , Because the judge and the information officer were telling me that you have done this and therefore you are accused !
Q- Well, what was their documents? for example did they recorded your interviews with Radio Farda?
A- In fact if I will explain the process of my court file ; It was a few selected writings from my blog , parts of my interviews with the reporters from Radio Farda and one or two articles from the newspaper was all the grounds that they claimed against me .
Q- Did they bring your interviews with Radio Farda on cassettes?
A- Well, yes, they made it on text themselves....perhaps they did have all of them but they were selecting part of it and using against me…..
Q- Did you have the right to a lawyer from the beginning?
A- On the process of the court I didn’t have this right. Because the judge and the officer in charge of the file was telling me that ; you don’t need the lawyer because it will make your case more complex , according to their opinion without lawyer my problem will be solved faster ! But after the ruling through my brother I asked for a lawyer.
Q- And then what happened?
A- Then Mr. Seifzadeh, Parviz Jahangir –Rad and Mrs. Shireen Ebadi ( Noble Prize Winner ) accepted to become my lawyer.
Q- During the interrogation and questioning on what issues they did emphasize?
A- More on collaboration with Radio Farda , and that I received money from them. Also they were emphasizing, that you have been trained by them. Fortunately it become clear that such a claim is not true. In addition since I have written article about the massacre of the year 1988, they were repeatedly emphasizing that; what kind of organizational connection I have with People’s Mojahedin. Interesting that my family find me a liberal democratic person or in fact they know that I have sympathy with liberal democrat, but they; the judge and the interrogator were trying to force me to accept that I am a socialist!
Q- Based on their assumption at last you were having sympathy to Mojahedin or you were a socialist? Now what was their opinion about the gathering and collaborating against Islamic Republic?
A- Look , according to a legal article from so many Islamic penal code , if 2 or more people get together to revolt against the regime or provoke people to arm struggle …… they will be condemned to 3-5 months imprisonment, while I wasn’t at all armed , perhaps the gentlemen were talking about our pen!
To be continued………….