Happy New Year to all- Niagara Falls, Canada -Jan.1 ,2008

News in brief-
Dec. 27, 2007
Deterioration of Emad Baghi's health in prison!
Tehran's prosecutor confirmed the news about transfering Emad Baghi to a hospital outside Evin prison.
The life of imprisoned Emad Baghi the journalist and president of the Association in defense of Prisoners Rights is in great danger !
According to an article in Roozonline written by Yasaman Manteghi , the family members of Baghi sent a warning about his deteriorating health situation in prison, and put the responsibility on the government officials if anything will go wrong with Baghi's health.
Yesterday evening, the deputy of Tehran's prosecutor on prisons situation,confirmed the news that; Mr. Baghi was transfered from Evin prison to a hospital in Tehran for deteriorating health condition.
According to news, Today ( Wednesday) at 11:00am, Mr. Baghi has made a call to his family and spoke about the deterioration of his health. The family members said ; Mr. Baghi's health condition was so severe that he could not continue speaking and the call was cut short.
Mr. Mohammad Ghuchani the editor in chief of the banned Shargh newspaper and the son inlaw of Mr. Baghi has told to "Nowrouz" website that; this morning , Mr. Nikbakht the family lawyer attended in Evin prison to meet with Mr. Baghi but the prison officials told him due to interrogation the visitation is impossible.
Mr. Ghuchani added: It was after Mr. Nikbakht's attendants in Evin prison , when Baghi called home and reported about the deterioration of his health.
Mr. Mohammad Ghuchani at the end warned the officials about his father in-laws health condition and announced that if anything goes wrong with the health of Baghi the responsibility will be with the prison officials and the other officials of the country.
Anton Chekhov the great Russian writer wrote a story with a title " The Bet " .In this story he shows his disagreement about capital punishment. That story and stories alike , and the time and experiences,changed very little the way the human conceive about this phenomenon.
In Iran we have a long way to go to eleminate this inhuman historical trends. Are we allowed to call those regimes in the world today which continue capital punishment as "barbaric". We may call ourselves "modern" , " Liberal" ," civil", "progressive" , " Islamic sharia " or with any other title, but still we lack creating a humane society .
Once again disturbing news is coming from Evin prison. The prison officials have hanged six people,a 27 year old woman and five men . Another women whose name is Raheleh Zamani is awaiting for her death by hanging. She was supposed to be hanged together with other six prisoners , but she was given a last chance to speak with her husbands family to pardon her . She has a three and a five year old children,the authority has given the custody of the children to their uncle,Raheleh has wrote a letter to the parents of her late husband and asked for forgiveness.
Just imagine about her children , a three and a five years old.
Efat Mahbaz ,one of the Iranian women's rights advocate, in an article which was posted on gooya news wrote: Hang the laws and not Raheleh !
"Asieh Amini" another women's human rights advocate, who went early in the morning of Wednesday to Evin prison to save the lives of these people , wrote in her blog: "Raheleh was not executed, they gave time to get an agreement from the family of the husband to pardon Raheleh. Since 3:00am we ( together with Iman)were in Evin and around 6:20 am we returned,three hours of crying,begging ...and praying!!!!"
Link to Asieh's blog in Farsi:
Link to the news:
News in brief-
According to the constitution of the Islamic Republic an alleged accused can only be held 24 hours in detention for questioning, but my husband Mr. Said Matinpoor has been in solitary confinement for 200 days and he is under the torture to confess for the crime he did not commit.
The regime has kept innocent Iranian in prison, people like Ms. Jelveh Javaheri, Mr. Mansur Osanlu , Mr. Madadi, Ms. Leila Heidari , Mr. Abdollah Abbasi, Mr. Behruz Safari , Mr. Jalil Ghanilu , Mr. Alireza Matinpoor , Mr. Abbas Lesani and .........so many others just because they defended the human rights of others and for their own human rights , for freedom and democracy and for free expression.
Ms. Atieh Taheri the wife of Mr. Said Matinpoor in a statement which is posted on online media's wrote:
"God, it is now 200 days that my husband Said Matinpoor is in solitary confinement , being tortured, He can't sleep, being humiliated,can't see the sun,they are asking him to admit the crime that he didn't commit,they aske him to confess while a camera is running and ...its 200 days that i don't have news from him and i don't know what they are going to do with him and what they want from him."
This is a woman who cry for freedom and justice. Like her there are thousands in all over Iran. News that are not covered by media.These cries are geting louder and a tidal wave of cry for freedom can be heard in distance.
Link to this news:
News in brief-
December 7,2007
Another women human rights campaigner is arrested and detained, Is she going to hang herself !?
Ms. Jelveh Javaheri is a journalist and an active member of the " Campaign for One Million Signature" has been arrested and detained. On December 1,2007. Ms. Javaheri was summoned to a court of revolution division which deals with security breach and after a few hours of interrogation was allegedly charged with " propaganda against the system", publication of lies" and " creating public unrest". Ms. Javaheri was transfered from the court direct to division number three in Evin prison and she is still in prison.
During the last two years more than one hundred human rights advocate were arrested without a proper court procedure and on baseless accusation and then released temporarily on a usually heavy bail amount ( more than $100,000 ).
The safety of Ms. Javaheri is under question and the family members and human rights community are worried about her safety inside the prison.
News in brief-
Tue Dec. 04, 2007
Iran-Emrroz reporting from "Nowrouz" :
No visitation rights for Emad Baghi !
The wife of Emad Baghi( president of the Association of the rights of prisoners) in speaking with Nowrouz said: I was in prison to visit Emad but noticed that he is not allowed to see visitors.
In his last visitation , Emad have said , he has written letters to five officials and told them ; if this situation continues he has no choice but to go to hunger strike.
Emad's wife Ms. fatema Kamali Ahmadsaraei said; together with Emad's mom , his sister and my eldest son , we went to the prison and after climbing 50 steps and arriving to the visiting area and watching the agony of other prisoners and their families, the prison guard told us "to go back down stairs and Baghi is banned from visitation."
In our last visitation Mr. Baghi was very thin and weak and he spoke about " white torture" experience.
until now there is no response to his letter and he is locked in a cell under interrogation.
Link to this news in Farsi:
News in brief-
Shahram Rafizadeh journalist and blogger, himself accused number one
blogger in the "case file of blogger" in the past in Iran , In a report in Roozonline about the case of Reza Valizadeh, wrote:
"Reza Valizadeh who was arrested last Wednesday with a complaint by
the government, on Saturday evening was transfered from Evin prison to
Ghazal Hesar prison and was left in a cell with drug addicts.This
journalist and blogger was arrested because of his report about
president's office buying four german dogs worth of 600 million Tuman to add his protection team.It was noticed under supervision of agents from inside the prison, he has removed the reports from his blog and instead he wrote an explanation."
Nima Valizadeh the brother of this journalist in speaking with Etemad Melli newspaper said: "On the morning of Saturday in following the case of my brother ,i arrived at the court and the officials at court told me; they didn't accept the property document provided by the family to bail him out, because of the lean on the property."
He added: " suddenly on saturday and without informing the family, Reza was transfered from Evin to Ghazal hesar prison and was left in the drug addicts cell."
Shahram Rafizadeh said : "The other things that happened is that : during the last three years the interrogators also learnt internet and how to write the blog."
Last Wednesday night while Reza was still in prison, the report about the dogs was removed from his blog and a note as " explanation on a report" was published in his blog the " Station".
The explanation says: The report about the team protecting the president had different reaction and a simple report suddenly become an argumental issue. Despite of different and sometimes paradoxial opinion on every report, this report also become a pretext for criticizing presidents deeds."
or: " Some of the media run by groups that are anti-system, foreign radio's and websites and blogs that are critical to Ahmadinejad, abused the report and made a big issue from an unimportant thing to destroy the president and because of this,i removed the reoport from my blog." said the explanation.
Reza valizadeh is 32 years old.In his blog he said :" My intention from that report was just to inform the public. In my whole life as a journalist,i never worked in political section and i always worked as reporter of literature and art..."
Reza valizadeh's other website " Baznegar " is also became out of reach.
Link to this news: