Jacques Brel- "Dont quit on me" or " Dont Leave Me"
Labels: music

80% of Iran's income is by selling its oil.
Ahmadinejad's Government in its first year in power had an income of $50 billion dollar .
In two and a half year Ahmadinejads government had an income of 120 billion dollar.
One student asked Ahmadinejad : Where did 120 billion dollar go?
Hashemi Rafsanjani : Unfortunately 85% income revenue for the year 2007 has been spent .
Another report indicate that : Income for the year 2004 , 2005, 2006 from oil was 200 billion dollar. In three years the government of Ahmadinejad has spent 85 billion dollar.
Iran's average annual income from oil is 60 billion dollar.
600 graduated students from university's in all over Iran demanded from the head of the judiciary power to call judge Saeed Mortazavi the crown prosecutor of Tehran to stand on trial.
He is known as the judge of court number 1410 the butcher of reformists media and also is one of the interrogator involved in the death of Canadian-Iranian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi. He is one of the enemy of independent journalists.
The graduated students in a letter to the head of judiciary power demanded for an independent and open court to review the charges of Saeed Mortazavi.
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Five years imprisonment for Hana Abdi a 21 years old student and women rights activist!
Hana Abdi is a 21 years old student of " Payame Noor" University of Bijar and a women rights activist. She was in prison since early October last year. She has been sentenced to five years imprisonment in a remote border city close to Jolfa in Azarbayjan. She has been allegedly accused of "crime against national security".
She is a member of the "Azarmehr Association of Women" in Kurdistan and also a member of the "Campaign for One Million Signature " in Iran. She was arrested by the security agents in the city of Sanandaj in Kurdistan province.
Doctor Mohammad Sharif is Hana's lawyer and is planning to appeal the decission.
Islamic Republic in Iran can display a historical cylinder with a written code of human rights on it ( this historical cylinder is 2500 years old and was prepared by Persian king Syrus the great) in its National Meuseum but does violate human rights every seconds in Iran. Iran Watch Canada shows just a tip of the ice berg on violation of human rights in Iran by Islamic Republic.
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in a statement by more than 1200 women rights activists and equality rights defenders:
....If we want our childeren, for a string of hair , for a dress, for a small entertainment party ..... not to get punished , If we want to have equal human & citizen rights , there is no other way than to get out of our own single minded resistance and think for organizing collective mass protes.
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Save the life of these teenagers who are going to the gallows on the early morning of Wednesday june 10/08 in Evin prison.
The newspapers in Tehran have announced that 11 persons are going to the gallows on Wednesday morning June 10 /08 and the name of Behnoud is also in the list.
In another report , Behnoud Shojaei and Mohammad Fadaei the two teenagers are transfered to the solitary confinement / a preparation to carry the death penalty.
40 Students Association from all over the universities in Iran in support with the students of " Teacher Training University of Karaj " issued a statement.
These 40 student Associations demanded :the officials help solve their colleagues problems or else warned they will take necessary action which may bring more crisis to the universities.
Labels: music