Mohammad Nazari : I Am The Lonliest Prisoner Of This City .........
Mohammad Nazari the political prisoner of Rejaei Shahr prison released a letter after three months of hunger strike . In His letter he wrote:
It is 24 years now that i am behind the prison bars , from Mahabad and Orumieh to this one the Rejaei Shahr city prison , and every day i have become more and more alone . I am the loneliest prisoner of this city .
Oh People !
I am the loneliest prisoner of this city ...
A city named after its prison ..
With strange things , a city with 81 days of my hunger strike ...
but there are no ear for listening and helping hands left for me ...
My father , mother and brother ended in Boukan cemetery and i have no one except you the people
81 days have passed from my hunger strike , a hunger strike for a simple demands.
My demands isn't for the release from prison or vacation but it is the execution of the law,
A law, based on the sentencing , i should have been released four and a half years ago from prison. there are people in power who prevent me from being released . Now after 24 years imprisonment , i have no other choice but to have hunger strike .
Where are you people?
Don't leave me alone , because i have no one .........................
What is the difference between me and " Arash Sadeghi " who had 70 days of hunger strike and has his father , mother and you the people . But i don't have no one , my father , mother and brother have long been buried in Boukan Cemetery , so you are the only hope and help for me .
Help me , help my voice could be heard...Nothing has left for me except death from this hunger strike ......