Under Islamic regime in Iran Women are not allowed to watch the soccer/volleyball ... games in stadiums !???
Fatemeh Jamalpour is the Shargh newspaper reporter .
When she attended at the Azadi stadium on last Friday to cover report about women's protest in front of the entrance door of the stadium for not allowing them to watch the national volleyball game between Italy and Iran, she was beaten and arrested but released later.
After this event ,she wrote on her Facebook :
"When unexpectedly i received the first slap, the second Slap and the 3rd slap and while was beaten and pulled by 10 agents and plain cloths women to a van, i closed my eyes and thought it was all a dream or a nightmare, but it was a reality that happened today in front of the door of the Azadi Stadium ,where a volleyball game was going on between Italy and Iran."
"At 4:00 pm i got off from a taxi and went to cover the news about a peaceful protest of women in front of the door of Azadi stadium. The police pushed us toward the edge of the road and told us to leave the place , i showed my ID and i said ,i am a reporter , an agent who called himself from national security police ,told us , you must leave right now. The agent asked me to go with him , i said why and on what charges ? I am a reporter , but i was beaten , thrown into a van and spent six hours in detention ."
Police van and the plain cloths agents
16 other women were arrested just because through a peaceful means ,they were demanding for their civil rights. One report indicate more than 45 women are arrested at the stadium .
Women MP's like Alia ,Omrani and Akhavan :
believe women must stay at home and take care of their children and not to see volleyball game.