Labels: music

Labels: music
First day of spring
Happy New Year to all !
Nowrūz (Persian: نوروز, various local pronunciations and spellings) is the traditional Iranian new year holiday celebrated in Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Georgia, the countries of Central Asia such as Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan, as well as among various other Iranian and Turkic people in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, India, Northwestern China, the Caucasus, the Crimea, and the Balkans.
Nowruz marks the first day of spring and the beginning of the Iranian year as well as the beginning of the Bahá'í year.[1] It is celebrated on the day of the astronomical vernal equinox (start of spring in northern hemisphere), which usually occurs on the March 21st or the previous/following day depending on where it is observed.
As well as being a Zoroastrian holiday, it is also a holy day for adherents of Sufism as well as Bahá'í Faith.[1] In Iran it is also referred to as an Eid festival, although it is not an Islamic feast. Shia Nizari Ismaili muslims, who trace their origins to Iran, celebrate the festival under the name Navroz. In their religious protocol, Navroz is officially recognized as an Eid, as with Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha, although it involves a distinct set of religious ceremonies. Alawites also celebrate Nowruz.[2]
The term Nooroz first appeared in Persian records in the second century AD, but it was also an important day during the time of the Achaemenids (c. 648-330 BC), where kings from different nations under the Persian empire used to bring gifts to the emperor (Shahanshah) of Persia on Nowruz.[3]
Save the life of this youth !
Mr. Amir Amrolahi was only 16 when he commited a murder. The Islamic Republic intend to hang this young man. If the head of the judiciary power wont stop this , the execution of this youth by hanging will be carried out.Your protest matters . Please write to Mr. Shahrudi the head of Iran judiciary power.
Link to this news in Farsi:
Labels: music
Labels: music
Miss. Parvin Ardalan women's rights activist and a human rights defender in Iran and recent winner of swedish Olof Palme award was banned to leave the country.
Today Monday March 3 , 2008, while she was inside the airplane and leaving Iran for Sweden to receive the award, by the order of prosecutor she was taken out of airplane and her passport was also confiscated.
The swedish Olof Palme foundation planned on March 6,2008 in a ceremony to give its 2008 awards to Miss. Parvin Ardalan.
Miss. Ardalan said: "She was inside Air France when her name was called by the agents who told to Air France crew that i'm banned to leave the country."
Link to this news in Farsi:
News in brief-
According to a report in Roozonline by Arash Sigarchi " without opposition and one week after government celeberation in Iran the third resolution hav been issued" against Iran. The five permanent members of the Security Council ( China, Russia, US, French and England ) voted for the resolution and against Iran . Also nine out of 10 non-permanent members of the security council voted for the resolution and against Iran. Only Indonesia voted abstain.
The third resolution decided to put more economic and financial sanction against Iran.This is all because the security council believe that the Islamic Republic didn't stop its uranium enrichment.
the third resolution also put more restriction on travel of Iranian officials who are dealing with nuclear energy to abroad including blockation of Iranian assets in abroad.
In the past resolutions against Iran, many banks and International financial institutions cut their relation with the regime in Iran or reduced to a very low level and also giant petrolum companies gave up contract agreements with Islamic Republic.
More on this issue visit:
Iranian students at Amir -Kabir University , a part of student movement for " Democracy and Human Rights" .
In this picture they had a public debate with a reformist clergy.
The "National Front for Democracy and Human Rights " is alive and strong.