Iran Presidential election-Karubi reformist candidate in Polytechnic.Students:Death to dictator,Death to this Government which deceives people.
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Mr. Behavar was encouraging the youth to actively participate in presidential election ,to observe and protect peoples vote and support the reformist candidates. This may be the case for his arrest.
On Wednesday afternoon May 27,2009 Mr. Emad Behavar member of the political bureau and president of the youth branch of "Nehzat Azadi of Iran" party was arrested by several plain cloths security and intelligence forces of the Islamic Republic. After arrest the agents attended to Mr. Behavar's home and took away with them his personal belonging and documents . In order to put more pressure on him, they also ended his employment with a company and confiscated his passport.
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Labels: Human Rights united voice
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Behrooz Javid Tehrani the imprisoned student on his 20th day of hunger strike in "Rejaei Shahr" prison!
behrooz was sentenced to seven years imprisonment , he is now in his fourth year , the prison officials together with public prosecutor keeping him in a solitary confinement Cell number one of Rejaei Shahr prison with his hands and feet chained.
Behrooz is charged with membership to "Iran Democratic Front" and relation with " Mojahedeen " organization , he is also charged with " propagating against the system " .
Human rights groups are worried about the life of Behrooz and requested from all human rights group to help his immediate release.
Labels: Students movement
Presidential candidate Musavi's campaign rally , placard read:
University isn't barrack !
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Labels: Students movement
Labels: Election
Labels: Workers movement
Labels: filtering
10th Islamic Republic presidential election in Iran !
471 candidates competency for presidential election was rejected by guidance council and only four candidates were found competent.
According to Kamran Daneshju the head of election headquarter; in this presidential election 475 candidates registered their names , out of these, 433 were men and 42 others were women.
The candidates are:
1-Mir Hossain Musavi-
2-Mehdi Karubi
3-Mohsen Rezaei
4-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The presidential election will take place on June 12th,2009 in Iran.
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Labels: Students movement
Labels: Students movement
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She told reporters that, she choose to go to vienna for a few days rest and will speak on her ordeal later on.
"Earlier Monday, Saberi's father, said he would make plans to return home with his daughter in the next few days. Saberi parents live in Fargo, North Dakota and had traveled to Iran to seek her release." (
Watch this video clip from AP:
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Labels: Bahai
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Labels: Human Rights united voice
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Iran Watch Canada, do not believe this man at all.
According to ILNA , Mr. Alireza Jamshidi the spoksperson of the judiciary power in speaking with reporters on the situation of Ms. Roxana Saberi rejected the report that Roxana is on hunger strike and said: "Saberi is in good health and if we find problems, it is our duty to follow it up."Labels: Journalists
Labels: Workers movement