1-The organization of Mojahedin for the Islamic Revolution " Mojahedin Enghelabe Eslami"
2-The Association of Islamic Medical Society of Iran " Anjoman Eslami Jameh Pezeshki"
3-The Association of Women Journalists
4-the assembly of graduates of the Islamic Iran
"Majmae danesh Amokhtegane Irane Eslami"
5-The Mosharekat front of the Islamic Iran
" Jebheh Mosharekate Irane eslami"
6-The will of the people party "Hezbe Eradeh Melater Iran"
7- Assembly of the Forces in the path of Khomeini "Majmae nirohaye khate Emam"
8-The Assembly of the MP's " Majmae Nemayandegane Advar"
9-Green movement -City of Ahwaz
At 19:00 from " Pole chaharom and "Falakeh Shohada" to Naderi Street and down town .
10-green movement student - City of Tabriz
At 18:00 from Shariati crossing towards "Saat " Square
11-green movement - Mazanderan Province
12- Green movement students of the city of Mashhad
Mashhad Azad University
Mashhad Ferdousi University
Mashhad Khayam University
Mashhad Sajad university
The green movement supporter of the city of Mashhad called people of Mashhad to join the protest which is going to take place on Saturday June 12 at 16:00 hour from "Taghi Abad -Malek abad and "Falakeh Park - Sajad Blvd.
13-Solidarity Party for Islamic Iran " Hezbe Hambastegi Irane Islami"
14- the Association of Islamic University professors " Anjomane Islamie Modaresine Daneshgaha"
Also Mr. Musavi and Mr. karoubi separately sent their request for holding rally to Tehran Governor's office.