Greeting to all blogger for World Blog Day !
Aug. 31 , 08 is the world blog day . 3108 read as blog .
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Greeting to all blogger for World Blog Day !
Aug. 31 , 08 is the world blog day . 3108 read as blog .
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Labels: political prisoners
Human rights violations in Iran by the Islamic Republic didn't stop with the murder of Zahra Kazemi , it continous everyday in Iran . Please dont close your eyes when dealing with the Islamic Republic in Iran.
Do not forget the Kurdish teacher and human rights advocate Farzad Kamangar and other Kurdish human rights activists who are currently in the Islamic Republic prisons. Islamic Republic regime sentenced Farzad Kamangar the Kurdish teacher to death. This must stop.
Farzad's life is in great danger.
Labels: political prisoners
The official number of political prisoners who have been executed in mass execution are not known , but unofficial number which is prepared by the victims families and political organizations indicate that more than 4000 have been executed.
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Labels: child execution
This morning(Tuesday Aug. 26,2008) Behnam Zare a young crime offender was sent to the gallows . Islamic Republic judiciary didn't bother to let his lawyer and family know about the execution. (Islamic Republic way)
Behnam commited the crime when he was only 16 years old.Behnam was in the first year of high school when he found himself in prison. The fight between the victim and Behnam started on pegion . Based on the story; the victim throw ston to Behnam's pegion which caused the fight and as a result the victim died . Behnam was sent to the gallows in "Shiraz Adelabad" prison.
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Labels: child execution
Did we forget Emad Baghi?
Emad has been in prison for almost a year now.Iran Watch Canada has reported about his arrest at the time.
Emad Baghi is the president of the "Association in Defence of the rights of Prisoners " in Iran and a human rights advocate. He is also an investigative journalist and writer.
Last Sunday a meeting was held at the home of Baghi by the "committee on arbiterary arrest in Iran" - . This meeting was organized by the commission on human rights of the "Mosharekat Party" .
Isa Saharkhiz an Iranian journalist writes about Baghi:
"News that are coming from Evin prison and from the ward number 209 where they have kept Baghi in there again isn't good. The news that are brought by the childeren and wife of this brave journalist after their last meeting with him is regrettable and worrisome."
Emadeddin Baghi is a "prominent Iranian rights activist and leading prisoners' rights advocate," and a "renowned Iranian investigative journalist." He is the founder and head of the Committee for the Defense of Prisoners' Rights and the Society of Right to Life Guardians in Iran and the author of twenty books, six of which have been banned. [1] In 2000, Baghi was imprisoned in connection with his expose writings on the Chain murders of Iran, and served two years. [2] He was imprisoned again in late 2007 for another year on ...
Labels: political prisoners
The political structure of the Islamic Republic in Iran :
As in the picture-
Leader of the Islamic Republic: In the middle - Seyed Ali Khameneei ( Act as the successor to khomeini)
Right side of the leader : Hashemi Rafsanjani acting as the head of the "Khebregane rahbary" ( Assembly of experts) and head of the " Tashkhise Maslehat" (expedience council )
Far right of the leader : Ali Larijani , the head of the Islamic Republic parliament
Left of the leader: Ahmadinejad , the president of the Islamic Republic
Far left of the leader: Hashemi Shahrudi the head of the Islamic Republic judiciary system
The head of the "shoraye Negahban " (Guidance council) Ahmad Jannati is absent here.
Young Iranian actress Golshifteh Farahani has been banned from leaving Iran.
She has played in a film known as " Body of lies " by Holywood director Ridley Scott.She was invited to Holywood and she was on her way to U.S when she found out that she has been banned from leaving Iran.
While she was in the airport on her way to America , her passport was confiscated by the airport authorities.
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Labels: child execution
Labels: Kordan- Fake diploma
Labels: Bloggers
The crime which didn't remain hiden under the soil!
(Title from www.peiknet.com-Aug.13/08)
memorial day
Crime against humanity -
How many of the Islamic Republic officials were directly involved in this crime against humanity?! IRAN WATCH CANADA
When the mass execution of political prisoners in the summer of 1988 finished , they have given us the news about the execution of our sibling. With the execution of Mahmud and Mohammad- Ali six members of my family have been executed by the Islamic Republic. the framed picture of each member of the family who have been executed were displayed on the wall.With the execution of one of the son whos name was Asadolah, the family of Panje Shahi has also lost five childeren in the mass execution by the Islamic Republic. The mother of Panjeh Shahi had displayed five members of her childeren in a sigle frame on the wall. On those days the mother of Panjeh Shahi ( Mother ) used to come to our house and spoke and share her grievances with my mother. One day she asked my mom to give her the picture of my executed sibling so that a friend who have made their frame will put the picture of my sibling together in a single frame too. One or two weeks after the mother of Panjeh Shahi ( The mother ) brought for us three frame with the picture of my sibling all together.One of the frame was too big and we displayed it on the wall.
Years have gone and the big frame was on the wall, those years my father was still alive and he used to say : I have framed my childeren and put them in the wall .My mother later removed the big frame from the wall and covered it with cloths and displayed the smaller one. Few years later the smaller frame was also removed from the wall.The mother of Panjeh Shahi also later removed the frame with collective picture of her childeren from the wall. Then they again displayed the single frame of their childeren on the wall. I guess the frame with single picture was more tolerable than a collective picture in a single frame. 5-6 member of a family who have been executed in a single frame was showing the painful story of the family.On the memorial day each year we carried the big frame to "Khavaran" . One or two years ago in a memorial day the big frame was stollen by the agents of the Islamic Republic.
* Khavaran: Is the place where many of the political prisoners are buried in a mass grave.Khavaran is located in Tehran .
Labels: political prisoners
Labels: political prisoners
The hero's of the " politechnic" University have been released from Evin prison.
According to a news source from Evin prison Mr. Ehsan Mansuri, Ahmad Ghasaban and Majid Tavakoli the three students after spending 15 months in Evin prison were released.
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Labels: political prisoners
Labels: Kordan- Fake diploma
Labels: political prisoners