Who are these people in the Islamic Republic Regime in Iran?
In these picture-The clergy is
Ali Panahian with Turban and the other is
Hossein Yekta...

The Most Vicious and Scary officials in the Islamic Republic regime !
Because of these peoples involvement in this organization , IRAN WATCH CANADA decided to translate the report.These people are the most vicious and frightful faces in the regime of the Islamic Republic for scary and horrendous activities they do.These people push for the execution of Musavi, Karoubi , Khatami and.......
Above all are : Ayatollah Janati , Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi , Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami....
The founders of this organization were the most fundamentalist supporters of the "Velayat Faqih" ( Caliphate state ) and they are as follows:
1-Mehdi Taeb(Clergy)- Professor of "Houzeh" ( where clergies are being trained)and university
2-Alireza Panahian (Clergy)- In charge of thethink tank representing Khamenei in universities
3-Mohammad Mohammadi-Mandegari (Clergy)-President of the board of directors of "Sayereh Shohada " cultural institution
4-Hamid Rasaei (Clergy)- Member of the parliament and manager of the "Nohe Dei Weekly"
5-Doctor Mehdi Kochekzadeh- Member of the parliament and professor of the university
6-Haj Said Ghasemi (Engineer)-Cultural activist and president of the "Misaq" cultural centre
7-Vahid Jalili -The editor in chief of "Monthly Road " and member of the Islamic cultural Revolution Front
8-Doctor Hassan Abbasi- Head of the institute of research for the doctrine without borders
9-Nader Talebzadeh - Writer and director and anchor man of "Raz" program
10-Said Haddadian- Eulogist of the Khamenei Circle
12-Haj Hossein Yekta- Former secretary of "Rahian Noor "
13-Ali Samari(clergy) - Secretary of the central committee of " Selection " for all over the country.
14-Ravanbakhsh(Clergy) - political editor of the "Partove Sokhan " publication
15- Hossein Roshan - In charge of the "Amar
16- Hossein Alahkaram- member of the educational board of Azad University
Adding to this list are:
17-Hossein Shariatmadari- Representative of Khamenei in Keyhan newspaper
18- Rohollah Hoseinian- Member of Parliament
19-Said Mortazavi- Former judge
20-Salavati -Current judge ...
In this assembley , there are 70 well known supporter who are active in cultural and propaganda machine of the regime.
15 members of the centarl council of this organization,each have many anti-democratic /freedom in their report cards.
Excerpt from:
Will be followed........
Labels: Who is who in the Islamic Republic Regime?