Alireza Eftekhari - Ghadah
Labels: music

Hang those Islamic laws and not the young offenders.
Here is another young Iranian sentenced to death by the Islamic Republic judiciary and going to face the gallows.
Rahim Ahmadi Kamalabadi was 15 when for defending himself comitted the crime and by taking the knife from the victims hand unwantedly and accidentally killing him . He is going to face the gallows in Shiraz city prison.
Labels: child execution
Labels: Kordan- Fake diploma
Labels: political prisoners
Labels: political prisoners
This conference is organized because of the presence of Ahmadinejad and the Islamic Republic delegates to the UN annual general assembly , which is taking place this week in New York .
Akbar Ganji In this press conference have said:
"The problem of the western countries with Iran is Nuclear energy and nuclear enrichment and not the human rights violation and this is the difference between us and the western countries and they are not concerned about human rights and democracy."
Union of truck & transport drivers in Ahvaz - Khoranshahr roadway are on strike !
Human rights defenders reported that ; Two weeks has past since the strike of more than 1700 truck and transport drivers because of the negligence by the Islamic Republic regim's about their welfare and regulation of the loads as well as the operation of their union which has been postpond for 14 months. More than 600 truck drivers with a length of 3 km continue their strike in Khoramshahr roadway ( South of Iran).
Link to this news in Farsi:
Labels: Strike
Labels: political prisoners
Labels: Bahai
Labels: Media
Labels: political prisoners
Labels: Kordan- Fake diploma
Labels: Journalists
Labels: Journalists
Picture-Mass grave of political prisoners -Khavaran Cemetery in Khorasan Street ,Tehran
Watch this video - survived political prisoners speak on their experience.
Labels: political prisoners
Labels: political prisoners
A catholic Iranian has been detained by the Ministry of Information!
Mr. Ramtin Sudmand is an Iranian catholic picked by the agents of the Ministry of Information 12 days ago and is still in prison.12 days after his arrest, his family does not know what the charges are against their loved one. Ramtin himself a prist was arrested by the agents on Monday September 1, 2008.
The family can't hire any lawyer because of intimidation by the Ministry of Information.
It is needed to say that; "father Hussain Sudmand" the father of Ramtin has been executed in Mashhad city prison on December 3, 1990. He was executed because he didn't want to deny his belief on christianity.
Later when the case of the father was followed by his wife; the regime admit making mistake on sentencing and as a result of that; the regime said it is ready to pay the blood money (Diyeh)to the family.
Link to this news:
Labels: Religious minorities
Widespread arrest of the Azarbayjani student activists in Iran.
Islamic Republic's hostilitiy with the human rights and civil rights advocate in all over Iran is a clear indication that first of all; the movement for human rights and democracy in Iran is strong and 2nd; the Islamic Republic regime in Iran is the enemy of the civil society in Iran.
Labels: women movement
Labels: Minorities in Iran
Labels: Minorities in Iran