Hounorable general secretary of UN Ban ki -Moon , The lives of many Iranian political and human rights advocates are in great danger .

Reports coming from Iran are very disturbing, No one is safe in Iran , people are picked up middle of the night by security agents like "Gestapo" the Hitler security police.
Among those arrested : Emad Baghi human rights and head of Prisoners Association in Iran who was arreted and when his wife asked why they are arresting him , was told by security forces that; you may not see him again.
Ebrahim Yazdi the head of "Nehzat azadi " political party was arrested this morning at three Oclock in the mornming from his home.
Alireza beheshti shirazi the manager of the "Kalameh" website , the website of Mir Hossain Musavi was arrested this morning. He is the son of the late Beheshti one of the powerful follower of Khomeini.
Three close relative of Musavi including Frouzandeh the head of the office of Musavi, Mohammad Bagherian (Not sure about the spelling) the head adviser to Musavi and Ghorban Behzadinejad the head of Mir Hossain Musavi's election campaign headquarter, were all arrested this morning.
Mehdi arabshahi ,
Morteza Haji the president of "Baran foundation",
Rasouli the head of this Centre,
Mohammad sadegh rabani professor of Tehran university,
Mostafa Izadi writer and journalist,
Heshmatollah Tabarzadi political activist,
Haleh Sahabi the daughter of Ezatollah sahabi a prominent political figure,
Ms. Mahin Fahimi ( Member of mothers for peace campaign) together with her son Omid montazeri ( the son of Hamid Montazeri who was killed in the political prisoners murdering in 1988 ),
Ardavan Tarakemeh one of leftist political activist were among those arrested.
The number of people arrested may be bigger but at this time there are no information.
In recent wave of arrest , new list has been developed . Iran really become a big jail for all freedom loving Iranian opposing this regime. Here are the new arrestees:
1-Doctor Noshin Ebadi , is a professor of the medical school of the Azad University - she was arrested by four security agents at 9:00pm on Dec. 28,2009 from her home.Reported Shirin Ebadi.
2- Nasrin vaziri the Parliament reporter for ILNA -News Agency
3-Ms. Badrolsadat Mofidi the president of the Association Of Iranian Journalists.
4-kayvan Mehrgan the chief political editor of the Etemad newspaper .
5-Ms. Niloufar Hashemi-Azar student of architecture together with her mom.
6-Reza Tajik -journalist was arrested by the agents of the Ministry of Information .
7-Engineer Shahpour kazemi the brother of the wife of Musavi was arrested again -middle of the night .
8- Ms. Mansoureh shojaei member of the "campaign for one million signature " and also member of the Women Centre for Culture.
9-Morteza Kazemian -Member of central council of the Association in Defence of Press Freedom, was arrested this morning by security agents.
10-Mashaollah Shamsolvaezin - Journalist and an active member of the Association of Iranian Journalists.
11- Mr. Hossain Musavian from the "National Front" political party .
12- Ali Mehrdad from the youth branch of "Nahzat azadi " political party . He is the son of Ms. Farideh Gheirat member of Lawyers Association.
13-Ms. Shahrzad Nasiri.
14-Mohammad javad Mozafar the manager of "Kavir " publication.
15-Habib Nouri and his son Reza Nouri - Habib is the brother of Abdollah Nouri the Interior Minister of Khatami 's Government.
16-Mehdi Nouri the son of Asadollah Nouri .
17-Mehdi gholizadeh - Member of "Nehzat Azadi" political party
18-Sam Mahmoudi - Reformist journalist
A report indicate that; more than 500 people arrested, have been brought to the Eshrat Abad barrack. According to news , they are in very bad condition.
A list containing 100 names of journalists has been distributed which indicate that the regime is planning to arrest these journalists.
A report indicated that more than 1000 people have been arrested... bus after bus brings prisoners to Evin prison.Added to this is more than 400-500 people have been arrested just in Isfahan.
You must add to this list another report which was posted earlier in IRAN WATCH CANADA.
The regime of coup d'etat desparately trys to keep its existence for a little time, in order to rub more our national wealth. Everyone known that the regime has lost the ground and by arresting people more people will join the movement for change and human rights in Iran. we will see it in the coming days and months.
In the meantime the Governments around the world must stay allert for the arrival of many high ranking Islamic Republic officials who were involved in the violatoion of human rights and crime against humanity in their soil.
Labels: Human Rights united voice