Where in Canada is Mr. Mahmoudreza Khavari ?

It would be wiser if Mr. Khavari speak to canadian Media about the whole situation surrounding 3000 billion Tuman financial embezzlement.Now that he has decided not to return to Iran( He suppose to return to Iran at 2 Am today), and based on Mr. Gholamhosein Ejeei Iran's public prosecutor general, all the blames now fall on him.
Director of Bank Melli lran
Student of Doctorate programe at Swiss Management Center , International Trade Law
programe at Lahe Court of Arbitration.
- M.A in Law, Shahid Beheshti University Faculty of Law.
- B. A in Law , Tehran University , Faculty of Law and Political Science.
Professional Experience:
- Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of Bank Melli Iran.
- Board Member and Deputy of Managing Director of Bank Sepah.
- Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors & Deputy Manager of Chadormalu Mining & Industrial Co.
- Consultant of Manager of National Iranian Steel Co.
- Board Member of Bank Sepah.
- Manager of Legal Department of Bank Sepah
- Litigation Department Manager of Bank of Industry & Mine.
- Expert of Bank of Industry & Mine.
- Expert of Tehran University .
Other Responsibilities:
- Membership in Committees of Bank Sepah & Bank of Industry and Mine.
- Membership or Chairman of the Board in Companies Such as:
- Sepah Investment Company , Bank Melli Iran Investment Company, Chadormalu Mining & Industrial
Company , Gole Gohar Iron ore Company and Sepah Brokerage.
- Member of the Board of Directors in Tehran Stock Exchange.
Educational and Scientific Activities:
- Teaching Civil Law, Commercial Law and Banking Law at Accounting Faculty of National Iranian Oil
Company , Faculty of Law & Political Science Islamic Azad University , Faculty of Law Shahid Beheshti
- Committed Crimes on Aircraft and Hijacking ( essay)
- Press Crimes (article)
- Investigation into the Cause of Suspension of Punishment in Iran and E. U Countries Laws
- The Book of Banking Law Consisting of Legal and Legitimate Analysis of Banking Operations and
Transactions published by Banking Training Center which is reprinted .
E-mail : pr@bmi.ir
Call center : +98 +21- 6414
Fax No. : +98 +21- 66738606
Address: Bank Melli Iran Central Depts,Ferdowsi Ave.
P.O. Box : 11365-123 Tehran , Iran
International Affairs General Department Contacts :
Fax No. : +98 +21 - 26403760
Labels: Embezzlement